Really learning?

in Project HOPE4 years ago
It is no secret to anyone the concern that has been expressed worldwide by parents of students at various levels of education, but this concern is the product of the extensive and prolonged suspension of academic activities? or by the negative effects of the impossibility of attending the classrooms? Or simply because parents are afraid that their children are really learning?

The truth is that the answer to any of these questions is not so easy, because rather the concern of the parents is a mixture of all these and some more.



It is no secret to anyone the concern that has been expressed worldwide by parents of students at various levels of education, but is this concern a product of the extensive and prolonged suspension of academic activities? or by the negative effects of the impossibility of attending the classrooms? Or simply because parents are afraid that their children are really learning?

The truth is that the answer to any of these questions is not so easy, because rather the concern of the parents is a mixture of all these and some more.

New challenge: Learning and teaching?

The pandemic uncovered many realities that were before our eyes, among them are: the existing technological gap worldwide where something close to 50% of students worldwide have access to the equipment and tools necessary to receive virtual classes or interact in online learning processes.
On the other hand, the challenge that parents face to give academic support to their children in the academic activities assigned by the teachers.
The latter is really quite a dilemma, obviously not all parents are capable of giving academic support to their children in the early stages of education; this pandemic could uncover this, finding many parents facing a reality that has led them to emotional crises, reflected and family conflicts and even significant delays in the learning and teaching process of their children.
However, there are parents who have made real efforts dedicating hours of study and searching the web to support and guide their children in their responsibilities.
But it is then where a question arises:

Have our children really learned during quarantine?


Utopia: Boys, Parents and Teachers

What parents and children faced when suddenly and without prior notice they were required to follow a virtual academic calendar, was not easy or simple to solve.
However, this was the solution that was implemented worldwide to somehow minimize the consequences of the pandemic in education at all levels, with primary and secondary education being affected significantly in relation to the support and monitoring of the process. own learning-teaching, which fell directly on the parents.
Contrary, on many occasions virtual classes were limited to sending assignments without any explanation of the corresponding topic by the teacher, leaving the responsibility on the shoulders of the parents.
In this context, it is possible to analyze objectively that the greatest obstacle they faced were the professorships such as mathematics, physics and / or chemistry, which were not entirely easy for parents to support on most topics, resulting in an odyssey Very exhausting the fulfillment of each assignment.
It is then, where a reasonable concern arises about whether the solution was entirely correct or the application of it or how was the greatest obstacle to children's learning applied?



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All images and dividers are my property, the images were taken with my LG phone and the parting 2 corresponding to the farewell is an adaptation of a Pixabay image with the Paint application.




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Hello @ how are you? It is understandable the concern of parents about this as we are talking about the future of their children, it certainly is a concern. Fortunately technology is present and the classes have been able to run their course, maybe not in the desired way but it is present! Greetings, nice to see you here too!

Welcome! This community is very nice and solid!!

I can imagine the pain some parents have to go through during this lockdown, but it is great to get used some of the technologies we never had tine for during the periods of a normal busy life.

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