SteemAuto | Knitrias Project Week 07steemCreated with Sketch.

in Project HOPE4 years ago (edited)

Hello Steemitverse


SteemAuto is a web application for Steemit, it allows you to manage some repetitive tasks such as voting, commenting and even publishing. Creating in it multiple tools that allow automated management within the platform, it seems to be the best option for those who are full of work or other personal commitments.

The login is very simple, it gives us a little information, "The application requests access to see the username of your current account." We give you continue to proceed with the login.

Captura de pantalla 2020-06-18 a la(s) 4.03.04 p. m..png

Captura de pantalla 2020-06-18 a la(s) 4.03.25 p. m..png

Then we are on this screen where we must enter our user data and the posting key. Once we agree, a screen very similar to the previous one will appear, in which we will give you continue to enter the Home or the Dashboard, where we will find tools for SteemAuto.

Once we are in the Dashboard we have the peculiar red message that says:

Please leave Steemauto if you don't understand how it works or what it does. It could harm your Steem account if you change the settings you don't understand

An important message and to take into account for the fact of worrying about the users and avoiding that they "inadvertently" affect their accounts.

Captura de pantalla 2020-06-18 a la(s) 4.32.05 p. m..png

The tools SteemAuto provides us are on the left. Each one allows a different and very cool function. From management to content programming for Steemit.

Captura de pantalla 2020-06-18 a la(s) 3.57.50 p. m..png

We already knew what we see in the Dashboard, which is basically the grouped tools and the settings of the App.
Curation Trial: Manage automatic votes for the communities and members of which we are part.
Fanbase: is in which himself as with the votes of the Curation Trial, we can select the particular users that we want to follow and give them our vote.
Schedule Post: allows you to schedule a post and then publish them according to the time that we indicate.
Upvote Comments: This page allows you to automatically vote for user comments when they comment on your posts.
Claim Rewards: Automatically claim Steem rewards.
Logout: This is simple, it is to exit SteemAuto.

It seems that we have a viable solution to being submerged in so much work or commitments and not having time for a few votes, reward claims or even if it happens to you like you have several topics to share but you don't want to publish them all the same day , be able to program them so that they are published when you prefer.

Grateful with this Tool, next to SteemWorld they are already in my bookmarks of my personal browser. Thanks @steem-supporter for this great app.


Hola Steemitverse

SteemAuto es una aplicación web para Steemit, esta permite gestionar algunas tareas repetitivas como votar, comentar y hasta publicar. Creando en ella multiples herramientas que permiten la gestión automatizada dentro de la plataforma, parece ser la mejor opción para aquellos que se ven full de trabajo u otros compromisos personales.

El ingresar es muy sencillo, nos da una pequeña información, "La aplicación solicita acceso para ver el nombre de usuario de su cuenta actual." Le damos continuar para proceder con el ingreso.

Captura de pantalla 2020-06-18 a la(s) 4.03.04 p. m..png

Captura de pantalla 2020-06-18 a la(s) 4.03.25 p. m..png

Luego nos encontramos en esta pantalla donde debemos de ingresar nuestros datos de usuario y la clave de post.
Una vez accedemos, nos volverá aparecer una pantalla muy similar a la anterior, en la cual le daremos continuar para entrar en el Home o en el Dashboard, en donde encontraremos herramientas para SteemAuto.

Una vez estando en el Dashboard tenemos el peculiar mensaje en rojo que dice:

Por favor, deje Steemauto si no entiende cómo funciona o qué hace. Podría dañar su cuenta Steem si cambia la configuración que no comprende

Un mensaje importante y para tener en cuenta por el hecho de preocuparse por los usuarios y evitar que ellos mismo "sin querer", afecten sus cuentas.

Captura de pantalla 2020-06-18 a la(s) 4.32.05 p. m..png

Las herramientas que nos proporciona SteemAuto son estás a la izquierda. Cada una permite una función diferente y muy cool. Desde gestión hasta programación de contenido para Steemit.

Captura de pantalla 2020-06-18 a la(s) 3.57.50 p. m..png

Ya conocimos que vemos en el Dashboard, que es básicamente las herramientas agrupadas y las configuraciones de la App.
Curation Trial: Gestiona votos automáticos para las comunidades y miembros de las mismas en la cual seamos parte.
Fanbase: es en el cual a si mismo como con los votos del Curation Trial, podemos seleccionar a los usuarios particulares a los cuales queramos seguir y darle nuestro voto.
Schedule Post: permite programar post para luego publicarlos según la hora que indiquemos.
Upvote Comments: Esta página te permite votar automáticamente por los comentarios de los usuarios cuando comentan tus publicaciones.
Claim Rewards: reclama de manera automática las recompensas de Steem.
Logout: Esta es simple, es para salir de SteemAuto.

Parece que tenemos una solución viable al hecho de estar sumergido en tanto trabajo o compromisos y no tener tiempo para unos cuantos votos, reclamos de recompensa o incluso si te pasa como a mi que tienes varios temas que compartir pero no quieres publicarlos todos el mismo día, poder programarlos para que se publiquen cuando mejor prefieras.

Agradecido con esta Herramienta, junto a SteemWorld ya están en mi marcador de favoritos de mi navegador personal. Gracias @steem-supporter por esta grandiosa app.





Steemauto is now provided by @steem-supporter on and not by mahdiyari.

Thank you,

I'll talk with @Jacorv, it seems the confusion came on the username on Steem, in which he searched, not on the application itself! Thanks for your attention!!

Steemauto has really made some activities more easy on the steem blockchain most especially when it comes to setting up a curation trail or joining a curation trail mostly used as a means of supporting other users on the platform.

I'm just imagining how stressful and inconvenient some activities on the steem blockchain can become if not for the exist of steemauto.

Thanks for Thanks for sharing this great post with love from @hardaeborla and I hope you have a great day ahead

It certainly simplifies certain repetitive actions in our participation on the Steemit platform. That is definitely cool because we can focus on other tasks that may require more attention, time and effort.

Ty for the support and your good vibes 💛

Hi, @jacorv,

Your post has been voted on by the Ecosynthesizer curation team.

Thank you for your contribution to the Steem ecosystem.

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Thank you very much for the support!

hey i am the one who owns the steem auto one , maybe you are unaware of it


Plesse edit your post

Sorry for the mistake, I already edited it @steem-suppoter & @dr-frankenstein.

Thanks for the attention, @Jacorv!

seems this is your community , please explain him

Sorry for the confusion, it seems @Jacorv did his search also on the username ~steemauto on steem, but the post is about the application itself! Thanks for your attention!

@tipu curate !trdo

Congratulations @leveuf, you successfuly trended the post shared by @jacorv!
@jacorv will receive 0.03906225 TRDO & @leveuf will get 0.02604150 TRDO curation in 3 Days from Post Created Date!

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Thank you very much for your contribution and for subscribing the trail. Steem Auto was developed by Mahdiyari but as part of the Open Source tools which development was supported by Steemit and the community. Now is been relaunched and the current developer is working on the adjustments and new features, but the most important is that is working to support the efforts of several projects depending on these voting tools. When you have dozens of users to support this tool is fundamental.

Thanks for participate in this week's Open Source challenge by the Knitrias Project.

Best winds for your days!!

Thanks Doc. Exactly, at the time it was developed by someone but hey circumstances made it have another destination. Thanks for the support, the clarification and the endorsement. Both from you and @Leveuf. I love you guys! Bye

Congratulations @jacorv, your post successfully recieved 0.03906225 TRDO from below listed TRENDO callers:

@leveuf earned : 0.0260415 TRDO curation

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