Knowing Who You Are

in Project HOPE2 years ago

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Image source - Pixabay

As the ancient Greeks would say *Know Thyself". People don't really take these words as seriously as they should. When you don't take time to understand yourself, to really know what kind of a person you are - then achieving any form of success becomes truly difficult in the most blatant way. Most people that achieve great success in life, usually have a great sense of purpose.

It's almost impossible for you to know your purpose here on Earth, when you don't know yourself. In life, it takes a whole lot of effort to get things done, usually people like to lazy around. Just busy doing nothing of real value. The main reason why you see the wealthiest people happier every morning to get to work is because they have passion and love for what they do.

After doing some really good soul searching, and finally knowing who you are, in that connection you will instinctively know your purpose. Generally, when you know yourself, you know what you're good at and what you're bad at. This is the primary thing that differentiates the rich from the poor. Richer people tend to know who they are and what they're good at.

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Image source - Pixabay

While the poorer people seem not to know who they are. One minute, they feel like they're supposed to do music. The next minute, they want to become a professional boxer. Next, they feel that they can become the best salesperson in the world. This confusion is the reason why they never master anything.

Knowing yourself, and knowing what you're exactly very good at - It's easier for you to put in the 10,000 hours needed to achieve mastery in your field. And until you become a master in your line of business, you may not be able to command high income. The 5% at the top of the chain earn the lion share. And it's until you know yourself and what you're good at that you'll get into that top 5%.

Thanks for reading!

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 2 years ago 

Hi @humor0404

I didn't see you posting within project.hope for quite a while. Hope you're okey? What caused such a long break?

Anyway, excellent choice of topic.

As you pointed it out - it is quite important to take the time to get to know ourselfs. Our supressed desires, hidden dreams, our goals. To know what makes us happy and proud and what is causing negative emotions.

Problem I see is the fact, that once we're getting older - we may end up moving away from our "true-self". Especially if live is keeping us busy (family, kids, jobs). And then people often end up being old and grumpy. Because once they get older and reach the point of their life allowing them to slow down with life - this is the moment they often realize many things about themselfs. And they often come to realization how their life is "disconnected" from their own self.

Have a great new week :)
Cheers, Piotr


This post has been upvoted with @steemcurator09/ Curated by: @wase1234

Problem I see is the fact, that once we're getting older - we may end up moving away from our "true-self"

You're very correct - because our job, family and kids most times take our focus from ourselves. That's why I really suggest that people should take out time, to discover themselves in their early stage of life, and know what will make them have a fulfilled life. In order to really avoid a situation of turning into an old grumpy person who never followed his/her dreams - we should do all we can to know ourselves, and the sooner, the better. Thanks for coming around!

Knowing yourself will make you to place value on yourself, which will help you in the discovery and realisation of your purpose.

Excellent read buddy

Exactly. And when you know your purpose, you tend to have the right drive to achieve success. Thanks for coming around!

This is an integral part of our existence, if you don't know who you are there is every tendency that you will find it hard progressing.

Progressing will surely be very difficult, because you may not even know what direction to go. That's why knowing who you are is very important. Thanks for coming around!

It is a good idea to know oneself. Many people have not know themselves enough and that's why they are taking wrong decisions

Very true. When you have known yourself properly, you'll tend to make wrong decisions. Thanks for coming around!


This post has been upvoted with @steemcurator09/ Curated by: @wase1234

Knowing yourself will help you achieve better and greater things indeed, with the mentality of knowing yourself and your worth, it becomes more easy to accomplish the things you set your heart to do, great post,

with the mentality of knowing yourself and your worth, it becomes more easy to accomplish the things you set your heart to do,

Very well said. Thanks for coming around!

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