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RE: Keys to the success of a project

in Project HOPE4 years ago

A good leader is indeed a very important and crucial factor or key which determines the success or failure of a project. The leader impacts his or her followers by training them and making them work together with him to achieve success in such project.

This is one of the reasons it's always important to engage in more scrutiny practice when selecting a leader because the leader is just like a driver who drives a bus containing lot of passengers and if anything happens, the driver(leader) is to be blamed.

Thanks for sharing this great post with love from @hardaeborla and I hope you have a great day ahead


Hello @hardaeborla.

This is one of the reasons it's always important to engage in more scrutiny practice when selecting a leader because the leader is just like a driver who drives a bus containing lot of passengers and if anything happens, the driver (leader) is to be blamed .

This is a great analogy, the leader is responsible for the success and also for the failure, he can make all the pieces within the project do what is needed for the success.

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