Why Cyber Security is very Important

in Project HOPE2 years ago

The negative impact of cybercrime in our society cannot be overemphasis, the rate at which the crime rate increase daily because of different factors like the economic factors is very high, even in the cryptocurrency industry criminal activities is increasing daily. One of the mediums used to commit these crimes in cyberspace, the internet opens up a lot of possibilities both positive and negative, and one of it is the security of the network, systems, computers and other financial assets, also innovations such as mobile computer, web financial system, cloud computing, online shopping and so on need good security.

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In different countries, different laws are put in place to guide the activities of the people on the internet in other to keep everyone safe in society. It became important for the people in the society to know which activities they should get themselves involved in and which ones they should not involve themselves in and also what to do to keep themselves, institutions, organizations or companies safe in cyberspace, not only that good cyber security measures is needed but good framework needs to be available per time in a situation of the cyber cyber-attack incident security event in other to limit the effect.

What is Cyber Security

Cyber Security is referred to as electronic information security or it can also be referred to as information technology security which deals with the practice of defending your network, computers, data, electronic systems, servers, mobile device, financial assets and IT environment from a different kind of attack most especially malicious attacks. It also incorporates putting in place measures to avoid information and system compromise or loss of integrity.

Cyber security involves a lot of practices and systems such as authentication, use of antivirus, ethics, confidentiality e.t.c that keep both the user information, money and computer safe.

In the cryptocurrency world, the place of good practice of cyber security is needed and need to be communicated frequently to keep the user in touch with the reality of the danger that exists in the crypto space and cyberspace at larger.

Thanks for reading.


Cyber security is very important now days as we are entering into new year, hacker are getting more stronger day by day.

We need to add 2fa and facials lock into our account so that we can safeguard our account and laptops and p.c.

Thanks for the contribution. You are very right

Many people have been victims of cyberpunks that compromise their security and perpetrate their bad acts. This is the reason we should take special caution towards cyber security.

Excellent read buddy

A lot of people are really falling victims day in day out.

Hello friend, we currently share a lot of data on the network, and in the future it will be even greater, especially with the metaverse, so cyber security will be essential, it will be something that we all must manage and not just companies.

Even individuals need to protect themselves, against cyber attacks

Hello friend, Internet security is very important, especially for people who manage their capital from a computer. It is necessary to educate ourselves about it if we want to protect our income. Greetings and thanks for the information.

Thanks for reading

We do spend lot of time in online activities and we also share various sensitive and important information over the internet so it's very important to safeguard our credentials. Cybersecurity is something that help us keep our credentials safe and secure and this is why it's very important for all of us.

That's 💯% true.

Hello @great-a

Excellent question, I think that in these times of modern technology and with all the development that blockchain has given us today more than ever we should be concerned about cyber security.

Best regards, be well.

Yes exactly. Thanks for the contribution

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