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RE: CoronaVirus consequences: IS WINTER OF THE CENTURY AHEAD OF US?

in Project HOPE5 years ago

First, it is shocking to me that you didn't see snow at all in winter, maybe corona santa held it for the next winter season.

Actually, the rate at which manufacturing companies as well as NASA is polluting the atmosphere is alarming (don't ask why NASA, check how much pollution comes out from flying a rocket and how much radioactive satellitescan be destructive). Back to manufacturing, let me take cement for instance. There is more limestone waste and residue compare to CO and CO2 which is very hazardous to humans and to the environment.

You know Piotr, if we could go back to the stone age when we could only lit woods to cook and to keep warm while the tree canopies cover the little fumes coming out, the world will be a better place.

We do not experience Snow in my country but during the time of winter we often experience Harmattan which makes the environment cold to a reasonable extent but i must be sincere that the previous one was for just a week and after which it has been extremely hot. The temperature is 29°C today at 9:13 AM.

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