Tell me, what would you do if you were not afraid?steemCreated with Sketch.

Hello dear friends, I hope you are very well, and have a great weekend. A few days ago I went out to buy some books and of course, I did, I bought 2, but there was a cover that caught my attention, and it said, "WHAT WOULD YOU DO IF YOU WERE NOT AFRAID " a very shocking phrase, at least for me.

I know that many of us have probably felt fear at some point and that is why we have missed out on great things or opportunities, at least I have. Fear is one of our greatest enemies, without realizing it paralyzes us and manages us at will, it can do many things with us, as long as we allow it to do so.



I think that book will be my next purchase hehehe.... I can already imagine what it's about, but that phrase stuck with me, I feel identified because I have always been a little afraid of the new, of change and today is that I have let go a little and I have dared to do things that perhaps long ago I would not have done.

But why do we grow up with fear? It is certainly a necessary emotion for many situations in our lives, but it is not those moments I'm talking about, many times or most of the time are the same people who are around us that invade us with this kind of emotions, thoughts, anxieties, in short, society in general conditions us to do what they do and to be like they are.

Many will not see it that way, but it is the reality. Unfortunately our personality is often formed similar to that of our parents, and if they have always been anxious, depressive or simply have never dared to see beyond and do something new, surely WE WILL ALSO BE LIKE THAT. Why? because that has always been our reality and that is what we know until now.



Once we are adults we have the ability to see beyond and know that something is not right, we can work on those weaknesses and heal what we have to heal, but it must be something agreed with ourselves, we can not allow fear to paralyze us all our lives and take out of our hands opportunities to grow as people at work, spiritually or emotionally.

These are things that we can change but first we must be aware of it.


I'm sure that if we are PEOPLE WHO ARE CONFIDENT OF THEMSELVES AND HAVE CONFIDENCE IN WHAT WE ARE AND DO, we can achieve whatever we want, we can go very far and everything that is part of our goals and objectives will be a REALITY.


I would like to know what you think about it and if fear has prevented you from achieving something important in your life.

Thanks for reading me!!! :)





is a very good question to ask yourself, it allows first to evaluate if your fears are paralyzing or on the contrary they are protecting you from a real danger, I believe that fears in life are a mechanism of the body to preserve individual integrity, now the problems come when these fears are not based on reality but on assumptions that lack information, either because a loved one told us with much affection and little information that "we are not good for something in his opinion", this simple statement could generate a fear of failure that then affects us in life.

Greetings friend @franyeligonzalez.

You are absolutely right friend, Actually many times we stop doing things because we are afraid, and thus, demonstrating that fear is one of our main enemies, in many cases we learn to minimize it but it will always be present in anything we do.

As usual I enjoyed reading your content, thanks for sharing.

Hello friend, thanks for stopping by, we must take charge of our emotions!!!!

If I am not afraid all I need so is to continue pushing with my goal.

I am not afraid at all and I do what I like to do. So it means that all my decisions are my own and not influenced at all.

That's great buddy, I congratulate you for that!!! Greetings.

Hello, excellent topic to discuss, "Fear" for me is almost a disease that has been transmitted to us since childhood, I remember when I did not want to say my prayers they told me that I was going to give to hell, hahaha, what stupidity, it is a shame how we were awakened and taken to a society that is out of the reality of this world, fear will lead us to collective failure, for example, here in my country fear is everywhere, the fear of speaking or expressing oneself freely, fear may be more than freedom, regards

Hello friend, that is really sad, I know that over there one lives in constant fear, but we must continue to fight for what we want to achieve. Greetings!

Hi @franyeligonzalez
Fear is natural in human beings, particularly if I have been afraid on several occasions of situations over which I had no control and which affected my loved ones.
Control is the key, but mainly the control and mastery of our thoughts, we should not give entry to sabotaging thoughts.
Excellent reading my friend, thank you for sharing.
Best regards.

Hello friend, that's right, we must control our emotions. Thanks for stopping by!

Hi friend @franyeligonzalez! Very good post. Definitavemente I identify with it because many times I have stopped doing things in my life out of fear, but as one grows up and especially the life experiences that we have help us to handle it, you have to have more confidence in yourself. Greetings

Hello friend, thanks for stopping by, it is good to learn from everything in this life, so we will be stronger!!!

Actually I consider myself as a serious risk taker and if there was something I would have done more if I was less afraid, it would be to have tried something new earlier.

Hello friend. Fear is a necessary emotion from the point of view of our evolution, it protects us from what could be a threat. I think the problem comes when fear is excessive and prevents us from doing anything, leaving us limited to a small comfort zone, perhaps without that excess of fear we would risk doing more things, but it will always be good its presence so that we do not get into too much trouble.

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