A tough time for rental proprietors. How they will pay rent for lock down months?

in Project HOPE4 years ago

A tough time for rental proprietors. How they will pay rent for lock down months?

I am a proprietor hence i can understand the pain to pay rent without any income from rented shop or small company and also i know there are many others in the world who are a proprietor of a small shop or store are in same pain as i am currently. The real shop owners are also a businessman who has right to collect fixed rent per month.


1. if shopkeeper is not earning then how they can pay?
2. Another question that should government give some fund to small proprietors?
3. Should there a mutual loss acceptance for both owner and renter?

Now i am trying to keep my own view for every question mentioned above.

If shopkeeper is not earning then how they can pay?


source of image

If market is open as it opens in normal days then shopkeeper should pay rent from their saving to shop owner at any cost but if market got shut down due to any type of disasters then in this case shopkeeper should not pay.

Should Government give some funds to proprietors?



Yes! if the shopkeeper or proprietor is registered and have licensed of respective local corporation and pay taxes properly then surely government should take care of them and give some funds so that they can pay rent to their owner, if this type of help is initiate by government then surely it will be beneficial for renters and owners.

Should there a mutual loss acceptance between renters and owners?



This is little tough because no one would like to go in loss side, however here renters should request to the owner that due to disaster i couldn't open shop hence unable to pay full rent so please consider. If the owner will have kind heart then surely he will think about it and he can give a option to pay 50% rents for both months, it means one month full rent.

I am in favor of third question because a shop owner is also a businessman and the shop gives them money.

Lock down has been extended till 31 May 2020 here in India with some conditional relief for citizens and also for some shopkeepers. Relief is ok but people are not taking much risk in spending extra time in market and product searching hence there would not be much benefits for shopkeepers who are running electronics and clothing shop.

Finally i would like to know yours views please keep that in comment section.

Thanks for your concentration!!

 4 years ago 

@tipu curate

Dear @face2face

Please change beneficiary to @ph-fund instead of @crypto.piotr (in the future)

Yours, Piotr

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