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RE: Children and technology

in Project HOPE3 years ago

Hello my friend. Well, well the issue of children and technology, I think that in this case I am going to behave very severely about it and as a teacher as well as a human being I will give you my point of view. Children who are born in this digital era from the moment of their conception are exposed to social networks and all the media, tools and things that technologies can offer, however this too early and even uncontrolled exposure makes their lives become part of that virtual reality which they see as something normal and everyday. Thinking about it reminds me a lot of Plato's cave where those who live in the caverns see the shadows as reality and when they face the true essence of the objects when they leave the cave they cannot deal with it. I support the theories of human development where each stage of our development as human beings is cognitively explained and where we must include precisely this exposure to technology. As a teacher it makes me very sad when I see children isolated and engrossed in cell phones, tablets and computers where their world is avatar, that alter ego that is capable of doing incredible things that are not possible in our limited existence, but, how devoid of all natural balance is that reality, while children have virtual farms the plants that they have in their homes are dying, while they have virtual pets they are not able to respect and love the animals around them. Rarely will you see these children, whose parents prefer to have online communication devices as babysitters, play outdoors, appreciate and value their environment and especially to understand that life is in being human and that is achieved in the experience that gives you the ability to explore and live in reality through everything your senses give you. I'm sorry for being so long but for me this issue of children, especially babies exposed so early to technologies bothers and saddens me because I feel that they are missing the best years of their lives.


A good piece of information you provide here. Unfortunately the exaggerated exposure to technology is something that is on the rise, and hand in hand with this comes exaggerated health problems at early ages such as obesity, diabetes, etc. In addition to the lack of socialization, which will undoubtedly affect their future adult life, it is a sad reality, and combat it seems to be increasingly difficult.

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