Post Pandemic Generations. Some reflections

in Project HOPE3 years ago
Hello my dear friends of PH, today I want to share with you a topic that I have been thinking about since the pandemic became longer and longer. Even today when new mutations of the virus are announced in countries where it seemed that everything had been controlled, the measures are taken again with much more strength in their compliance and after the idea of learning to live with this disease I have started to reflect on what it will mean everything experienced by the children who have started their lives in pandemic.


All those who have children or are immersed in family groups where there are children can see and experience firsthand the reality I am trying to refer to, nowadays our children after confinement have become people with too many fears and one of the most striking is the fear of human contact, being close to other people who even at some point were close to the immediate family nucleus becomes a source of stress and even distress in many cases. Today our children speak little, are distracted little and their hours are distributed between school work and the little they can do at home, considering that parents also have to fulfill work obligations that are now from home and ensure the welfare of the family.

Our children are people whose joy is concentrated in watching attentively some TV program (in the best of cases within the bad) or spend their hours anchored to social networks and on the computer, we adults in the same way, our contact went from reality to virtuality and give us a hug now is an act that can bring with it a number of health complications that we wish not to know and therefore avoid it, the sad thing is that even in the family we have lost that contact.

Future generations will face a world with limitations of space and physical contact, where games that are not online through platforms and social networks will not be understood, technologies have taken over our lives to the same extent that we have believed that they are indispensable for the development of our own existence. If we think a little about future generations in terms of the consequences that confinement and isolation have brought with them we will realize how alarming it can be. Imagine for a moment all that you were able to do in your childhood, adolescence, youth and as adults, the good experiences and friendships consolidated by going through good and bad situations, the family parties, the weekend trips that were not only part of the recreation and oxygenation of our life but were our existence as such.


How many of us can say that our best friends are people we met in kindergarten and that today even after years are still by our side, can our children say the same? when many have not even experienced school because they started their education at home and they are two years and counting. Those who have some talent such as music, painting, writing and others that are developed and perfected with the support of teachers who help us in art schools where we also meet talented people, certainly there are many tutorials on the internet that we could put to our children but still we would be talking about that they would not have any kind of interaction.

Today my reflection goes towards what we can still do so that future generations do not believe they are an extension of some computer, so that our children understand that we are the people who set the parameters of technology even though every day we want to sell us the idea that technology will have a life of its own and will even dominate us like in a famous movie. Today my reflection is for all of us to find the balance that our future generations will need, it is not about underestimating technology nor overvaluing it, it is about going back to the basics, to the simplicity of life and the existence of human beings.




hello @emimoron,
the pandemic changed the lives of all people, the lack of physical contact and the constant fear of what we cannot see became a constant in the lives of this new generation that were born in the middle of the pandemic, in my personal case I have a son who is already two years old of home school and although this helped me to give him a solid foundation contact with his classmates is something that he lacks.

Certainly, it's difficult and I'm talking about the little ones, you live it up close with your little one and I'm sure you have noticed the changes in his personality. I think it's time to come up with some strategies to achieve balance in the midst of this seemingly endless situation. Thanks for sharing your opinion

Some many things are changing because of this pandemic period in other countries and it's affecting everyone but most especially the younger ones, physically and academically but here in Nigeria is not that serious and schools are still very much open for the younger ones and the adult.

Hello, it is good to know that there are still some places where some normality is maintained, however, we must also pay attention to what is happening worldwide, remembering that globalization makes us citizens of the world and the changes brought by the pandemic will have consequences for the entire planet in the future. Thank you for your opinion greetings to the friends of Nigeria.

Hello @emimoron, This issue should be discussed throughout the world from now on, the pandemic brought a new lifestyle for adults and adults, and none of us was prepared for this, nowadays adults respond to the new routine by habit recently acquired but in the Because of the children, because of being at risk of being at risk, they have lost the freedoms of childhood, this is the worst part because this time and stage that they have lost cannot be recovered.

Thanks for this post

Friend @tocho2 tocho you are so right a few days ago my husband was telling me that it seems unbelievable that everything that for our generation was normal like going out to play in the park, going for a walk in the schools and even weekend family outings is not normal for our children and the youngest ones are afraid to go out in the street, I have seen my friends' children hide behind their parents so that you do not see them because they are afraid of people, children who wash their hands compulsively and do not like to be outdoors, it is a very difficult situation and as you say it should be discussed.

This pandemic period has damage so many things in each country, for instinct the price of everything is very costly, to provide for your family now is kind of hard while some company also reduce payment of their workers, and you won't blame them because their supply has reduce, most especially the younger ones.
Like @tocho2 said it should be discuss but our leaders ain't bother about it.

Yes, there are many things that have changed and that deserve the attention of world leaders. People's lives have been affected in every way and by changing many of our habits, the way in which we had understood the world has also changed. Thank you for your opinion

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