What is an INVESTOR and some of its TYPES.

in Project HOPE2 years ago (edited)

First of all I want to give a big greeting to all steemit friends and especially to the members of this prestigious community as #project.hope is. I want to share with all of you this publication related to some considerations about what are investors and some of their types.

To begin with we must describe that an investor is known as a person who buys, every time he can titles or also manages to invest his own or third party capital, money in different projects to obtain profits in the short, medium or long term, depending on the strategy he has planned.

Inversionist Precavid:This type of investor is one who makes his investments where he believes they are very safe to obtain dividends regardless of whether they are large or small dividends and does not take risky decisions, also their main investments are where they obtain fixed income, ie not present a variability..

Inversionista intermedio o reservado: Este tipo de inversor es un poco más arriesgados que el precavido y se mantiene buscando mercados mucho más rentables, de tal manera que invierte donde logre conseguir cualquier tipo de renta, que sea variable o no, dejando a un lado la aversión..

Investor without complexes:This type of investor mainly looks for shares in companies where he can achieve high yields, which leads him to take higher risks. In such a way that if he makes bad decisions he could lose large sums of capital and assets both personal and of third parties..

Passive Investors:These investors do not look for markets where they can obtain large dividends, but rather use third parties to manage their working capital, which represents a greater risk. The profits they pursue in many cases are long term..

Active Investors: In this group of investors we find those who are daily monitoring the different markets, as well as their fluctuation in order to get the most out of them and generate greater profitability to their capital..


Hi @dgalan, I find your article very educational and allows us to see the types of investors and risk that each takes when placing their money on different platforms.

So long, have a great week.

greetings @amestyj _
thank you very much my dear, I hope you liked it and that it is useful for you to know about it

greetings @tipu Thank you very much for your support, it is very meaningful to me.

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