Steemit Blog - Part 03 – Current StatussteemCreated with Sketch.

in Project HOPE3 years ago

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Current Status

Sunday, May 2nd, 2021; you are here.

The current time in Beijing 10:38 AM, Washington D.C. 10:38 PM, Moscow 5:38 AM.

Here are the latest numbers from Worldometer:

153,481,613 people have been infected around the globe with Covid-19.

3,216,214 have died from the disease. 130,791,464 have recovered. 2% death rate.

The rest are open cases awaiting an outcome.

So we now have more than 150,000,000 cases across the globe. This number has been padded with a recent surge in India. Yet the death rate has gone down a percentage point. There’s a silver lining.

From the looks of it, the vaccine is effective in that it keeps cases from leading to death. People are still transmitting the virus though. Especially when people don’t follow the guidelines.

There is a potential new normal of wearing facemasks, keeping social distance, and constant washing of hands. Everything else might go back into play. Infections continue, yet the death rate remains low.

That seems to be where we are now. It’s a deadlock between the desire to return to the old world and the reality of a new virus that has claimed planet Earth as home.

Even if the numbers begin to decline rapidly from right now until there is no spread, with more than 150,000,000 total cases around the world, so it’s going to take a generation or more to put this spell behind us.

It might help in the future if another contagious deadly virus strikes. Modern people are going to have CNN clips to look back on while we forgot the Spanish Flu. It happened right after WWI. It’s called the Spanish Flu because only Spanish reporters reported on it when it first hit. Women got the right to vote and they made alcohol illegal. They still grew Hemp and made it through without Nationalizing resources.

Hemp is now legal. We still don’t use it as outlined before. New major construction projects are using pollution material. No solar roads. No hempcrete.

We are exploring Mars so that’s good. They’ve got a plan. They’ve got a vision. It could be the future of humanity. Everyone lives in sterile environments when involved in space exploration. It’s the new high rise building for the 1%. They’ve got a Hilton on the Moon with all the best amenities. They can eat popcorn and watch Earth like a reality TV show to see if the Coronavirus can be defeated.

They’ve got Hemp in the greenhouse.

From the Newsroom,
Cyrus Emerson

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