What is cryptomission? | Achieve missions and get rewards.

in Project HOPE4 years ago (edited)

Hello all,

We have given you missions for about a month. There were various missions. Thank you to everyone who has participated hard so far!!

  • Get up at six in the morning
  • Reading book
  • Join mini diarygame
  • Use hand sanitizer every day
  • To become lazy - walk less than 100 steps

Would you like to know more about cryptomission? I will let you know.



1. What is Cryptomission?

A Best way to achieve your goals is to bet your money. How difficult to keep good habit you know. It is difficult to keep it. As time goes by, your mind will weaken. We are ready to help you!!

It is easy to join it.

  • Install app.
  • Select the missions on the list what you want.
  • Pay your STEEM to participate in mission.
  • Take on a mission and upload a photo to verify via app.
  • Get reward

2. Achieve your mission and get prize

When you achieve your mission completely, your participant fee will be refunded and you will get reward and prizes. The more money you bet, the more prize money you can get.

For example, four people (AAA,BBB,CCC,DDD) participated in the mission below.

AccountSuccess rateParticipant fee/refundReward
CCC100%1 STEEM / 1 STEEM19.200 STEEM
DDD100%4 STEEM / 4 STEEM76.800 STEEM

One in four (AAA) has a mission success rate of 0%. All Steem paid by AAA as a participation fee will be used as prize money. BBB paid 10 Steem for participation and achieved 33%. BBB receives only 33% of the participation fee and the remaining 67% is used as a resource for the compensation.

CCC and DDD achieve 100%. They will get 100% of the participant fee back and get prizes. Prize money is divided in proportion. DDD paid four times more money than CCC. DDD gets more prize money than CCC as much as he pays.

10% of collected reward pool for AAA and BBB's failure costs will be used as prize money and operating expenses for the next mission, while the remaining 90% will be used as actual prize money.

  • Accumulated prize money = 100 + 6.666 = 106.666

  • Prize money for this mission = 106.666 * 0.9 = 96

3. Share post and Get voting

We give an option within the app to choose whether to share the mission verification to Steemit. If you don't want to, click NO (you will still participate in selected cryptomission)

From yesterday we have been voting once our players who complete the mission. I think this reward will help you keep your mission steady. Currently, Steem Power is low, but it will grow and give you more rewards. Share posting and get voting!!

4. It should be sustainable

It is important to make this project sustainable. Our team needs a stable business model for continuous operation. We will try to make it.

We set up so that if you write through the app, we can receive part of author rewards. Currently it is 10%. The benefit rate may be adjusted as it operates in the future. The profits can be used as prize money and also used as operating expenses.

5. When missions are registered?

Missions are newly registered every Monday and Thursday. We plan to make interesting and meaningful missions in the future. Any good idea is welcome. Please give us missions you want to join.

Also we plan to make the various challenges of the Steemit Foundation into missions. I believe this will help the Steem community become more active.


Hello @cryptomission
Thank you for publishing in the community of Project Hope.
I am already in my second week using the Cryptomission application, it is really easy to understand, however, there are those who can get confused when using it.
We are working on creating an explanatory post, to complement the information you have shared in this post.
Some active members of the PH community are also using the PPP.
Some people have asked me some questions that in good part are related to the questions left by @crypto.piotr and that have been answered.
I hope we will continue to support each other.
The idea is to move forward.
Good weekend for the whole team.

Thank you! @josevas217.

I am looking for explanatory post. We will get the feedback and keep improving our app.

I hope we will continue to support each other.

It's great to get to know you and the project team. I also hope support each other. Thank you.

 4 years ago (edited)

Dear @cryptomission

I only discovered you few days ago and initially I couldn't understand what your cryptomission.io app is about. I managed to install it succesfully and tested it out lately - I joined one of your missions and rigt now waiting for results.

Would you mind sharing with me how do you judge which user (participating in one of your missions) would be rewarded for completing such a mission? I presume that someone out there is going through all entries and deciding which one is the most interesting/valuable? Or is it somehow automated?

I'm also still trying to figure out what are you guys planning to achieve in a long term. Right now I'm having difficulties seeing your project year or 2 years from now. However, I surely will gladly follow up and monitor your achievements.

Pay your STEEM to participate in mission.

New users may find it strange to learn, that they need to pay to participate in one of your missions.
I found it even more confusing to figure out how much STEEM would I need to transfer to participate. After all, user need to send between 1 and 50 steem. Without really knowing and understanding what would be the difference (for such a user) if he/she will transfer 1 steem, 10 steem or 50.

After reading this post I'm having little bigger picture and I'm starting to understand that more "The more money you bet, the more prize money you can get." -> however at the time I've been testing your app I couldn't know that :) Perhaps adding this simple sentence "The more money you bet, the more prize money you can get." on your app would solve this small problem.

Those are questions that went through my head while I was testing your app. And I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one :)

One more feedback:
I've already mentioned that it would be AWESOME if you would add note explaining, that agreeing to post about mission (the one we're planning to join) on our Steemit account is NOT NECESSARY. Right now - I thought that I need to agree on that and I wasn't really happy to see automated post published on my private account.
At the same time I wasn't sure if I could click "NO".

Yours, Piotr

Thank you for awesome feedbacks. I answer your questions.

Would you mind sharing with me how do you judge which user (participating in one of your missions) would be rewarded for completing such a mission? I presume that someone out there is going through all entries and deciding which one is the most interesting/valuable? Or is it somehow automated?

Currently, we check abusing with manager tool. In the future, we let players report other player's abusing such as downvoting on the steem. Deep learning is one way to check for valid photos in the future. By learning the correct answer image for a specific mission, when a new user authenticates, we will use deep learning to determine the validity of the image.

I'm also still trying to figure out what are you guys planning to achieve in a long term. Right now I'm having difficulties seeing your project year or 2 years from now. However, I surely will gladly follow up and monitor your achievements.

We are trying to give lots of missions to people and let people achieve missions. the missions help them keep good habit and achieve their goal.

After reading this post I'm having little bigger picture and I'm starting to understand that more "The more money you bet, the more prize money you can get." -> however at the time I've been testing your app I couldn't know that :) Perhaps adding this simple sentence "The more money you bet, the more prize money you can get." on your app would solve this small problem.

Yeah. We will add more explanation to our app. good feedback!

We will try to develop it and improve it. If you have questions and feedback, let us know.

 4 years ago 

Thank you for your kind reply @cryptomission

Thank you for information. I deleted the application because I did not trust it, now I will install it again :)

Thank you. We don't store your active key. We access it via steemlogin tool. If you have questions, let us know. :)

 4 years ago 

Dear @cryptomission

I sincerely congratulate you on this alternative. Starting this week I began to carry out the missions, I am doing two and I like both, the one to promote reading is great.

I want to thank you for choosing our community to make your publications, and I will be very honest at first I did not understand how it worked, then a friend @josevas217 explained to me and the first thing I did was download the application to start.

I had some questions but our friend @crypto.piotr already presented them.

The @project.hope team is very interested in this project.

Yours, Lanzjoseg

There is still a lot to be improved. We will keep trying hard. Have a nice day.

Thank you for your interest.

first i want to say thanks for sharing this publication here in roject hope.
I think this is the great concept and i have just recently installed this app.

Thank you for your interest. If you have questions, visit our discord and give use questions!

@iguazi123 快來看看這個打卡app,感覺不錯!

謝謝你的意見! @cryptomission team

Welcome @cryptomission for being part of amazing Project Hope community.

Yeah~ Thank you!

I am happy about this whole project and will be happy to see this project grow rapidly. I am still trying to learn it and will appreciate more explanatory vidoes or content.

Yeah~ We will prepare the explanatory vidoes or content. Thank you!

It's really an amazing app based on steem. I have used for more than a year the actifit app to track each and everyday fitness level which counting the steps of daily work. And after completing daily activities it has to be posted into steem then we got reward. But this is much more and even better than that which should be grasped by Many steem users. I am going to install it right now.

I have not seen the features of app but I have one suggestion that if you can add a mission like daily work which will be recorded by the app like actifit by sensor or Fitbit then it will be very much comfortable to maintain the fitness level through our target of walking daily.

Thank you very much for this app. I have upvoted and resteemed this post

Thank you.

Adding some missions such as daily walking, fitness is good idea. We will check the integration with fitbit or existed tracking app.

Thanks. That was my expectation like walking 5k steps or 10 steps a day etc.

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