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RE: Russia during the sanctions !

in Project HOPE2 years ago

Hi @clixmoney

Thanks for sharing.

I've seen some people claiming on twitter that the situation in Russia is so bad because of the sanctions, but it seems ok to me.

That would be quite surprissing and surely not really expected. In a way it would mean, that Russia economy is not really inter-connected with outside world.

Also it takes time for economical trouble to reach "regular people". Results of pandemic and lockdowns have been just unfolding now. With quite a solid delay. So I would expect that Russia will start struggling in couple of month.

Part of me also wonders, if you would actually share your experience about state of Russian economy if it would be negative. Somehow I'm not sure if I can belief anything Russian people say online, since punishment for complaining about this war can bring huge punishment.

cheers, Piotr


You can take a look at rouble price and think about that. That may talk a lot about the economy here. When everyone was afraid of what was going on, they were all selling rouble for dollar maybe. But now the price of dollar went to what it was before. It hit 140 roubles for 1 dollar, and now it's 73 again, just like it was before the war. Most of Russian businessman are calling to support the local business. And for sure, we have a lot of products from Russia. It's one of the biggest countries in the world, how we can have the lack of products with all lands and agriculture ?

I'm not afraid of anything, I just share the truth while people in twitter are lying. There are many things I don't like of course about the government, and I always write about them in hive and blurt. I always write that I don't trust any politicians and everything what's going on in the world is because of them and only simple citizens suffer because of that. But when I see people lying without even living here, I don't like to just stay quiet about that. There are lying for sure from both sides, but what I can prove is from my side that the prices didn't change that much because of sanctions and that's the truth. About anything politicians do from both sides, I just don't like it. Don't you see how they are actively attacking all centralized crypto in the world ? Imagine all the world will have to pay 30% taxes in all crypto they earn, just like it was done in India. And they are doing this while distracting everyone with one war, while there are so many of them in the world. Only today I commented one guy from Syria where he shared about what's going on there. In Nigeria, they are also not living an easy time. And I'm sure there are troubles in many countries now. I just hope most people will help the real victims in many areas in the world. Of course Ukrainians are suffering from this as well. But still even Russians aren't living an easy time when they see how all the world is turned against them. I mean citizens who have nothing to do with the war. I'm all about peace in the world and I hope to see a better change where we will not have victims in one hand and people making a lot of wealth from that. I always hoped that crypto will change the situation in the world. But even in crypto people are so divided now. So, we can count only on god or those who created this world to fix it. Humans didn't learn about all the history, and they keep fighting each other for money and create wars between them.

 2 years ago 

Thanks for taking the time to reply @clixmoney

they were all selling rouble for dollar maybe. But now the price of dollar went to what it was before. It hit 140 roubles for 1 dollar, and now it's 73 again, just like it was before the war.

One important question: are you actually capable of buying USD or EURO (trading rubel to other major currency)? Correct me if Im wrong, but as far as I'm aware - this would not be possible.
(which would mean, that exchange rate is currently "frozen" and is simply not real reflection of economy).

There is no country in the world, which could isolate their economy from the rest and would not suffer greatly. Russia is not a magical country. You like it or not - but regular people like yourself will pay huge economical price. Unfortunately.

please use "enter" from time to time. It's super hard to read such a long blocks of text.

Cheers, Piotr

I don't have to like it, or not. That's the truth. All those sanctions are harming only simple citizens, but not politicians. Here is what I wrote today in a post in blurt :

How losing a million for a billionaire can affect him/her ? But losing a few dollars could harm someone who's barely surviving.

So, I'm against sanctions against regular people who have nothing to do with what's going on.

I also wrote :

I understand what happened to this country for years. And what exactly all people here went through. From the Soviet Union, to the collapse in 90s, and the mess people had to go through here, when the police didn't work for years, but only organized groups dictated their rules. Then all the country was taken over by one political party that was winning all the time, if you are getting it how. Then the time of strict sanctions, where Russians are restricted from so many worldwide services. And those restrictions are implemented on citizens only, not those who are responsible for the war.

I'm not telling you that Russia is a magical country. I just mean that everything happening is on purpose. I'm almost sure that all politicians are working together. That's why you never see them harmed, or very rarely. Trust me it's a big show created for simple citizens to fight each other, while they make more money and power.

I'm also watching this video, what I advise you to watch as well :

Crazy things are going on right now. We should look at the big picture.

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