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RE: Christmas Is here!

in Project HOPE3 years ago

Dear @mccoy02

I will be spending time with the entire family since it has been a while we had a family reunion

Hopefully it will be fun. As you've pointed out in your post.

Thanks for sharing your dreams with all of us :)

staying indoor to celebrate Christmas last year was an awful experience

Indeed. For many that was an awful experience. And yet - it may be repeated again.

Upcoming Christmas will surely be very strange and unpredictable. Especially since this new strain of Covid virus seem to be an excuse for most goverments to introduce strict lockdowns and enforce people to stay home. It's sad and miserable solution, which proved not to work till now. And it seem to be repeated again.

I'm myself currently happily in Malaysia, where it's warm and cosy. I love experiencing snow for a day or two, but feeling cold longer than that is a BIG NO GO for me :)

did you ever experience snow in your lifetime?

Stay safe my friend,
Cheers, Piotr


Sure, i'm sure it will be fun with such large gathering.

Strick measures have been taken which economically it has affected the nation and individually our finance earnings have been cut low due to restricted movement, we continue to hope things get better with time.

I've not actually experience Snow in my lifetime although i would love to experience one someday.

Thanks for your warm feedback do appreciate.

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