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RE: Let's talk about centralization and decentralization.

in Project HOPE4 years ago

hi @fucho80

Finally some topic that is not related to C-19 or justin or hive :) Tadam! :) Something more refreshing

Defenders and detractors from one side and the other try to make clear how central or decentralized a particular chain is, using the arguments that according to each point of view STEEM or STEEMIT is better or worse than HIVE, a fight that in my opinion is unsuccessful.

Funny thing is, that once old witnesses has most places in top20 and Justin witnesses just few - then for the very first time we've experiences some sort of real decentralization. And NOONE liked it.

I'm definetly not sure why so many intelligent people think that decentralization is "solution to all problems". In many cases centralization is more efficient and simply BETTER. Current hype around decentralization is a bit strange to me.

Decentralization = lack of leadership, lack of one vision and plan, lack of anyone responsible for failures. And it means slow decision making process.

When you attack one of the two platforms you are attacking and looking for the failure of your friend, who is in STEEM in HIVE or both platforms.

Very well said. Sad but true.

Have a great weekend ahead,
Yours, Piotr


Hello friend @crypto.piotr, thanks for your comment.

Current hype around decentralization is a bit strange to me.

I definitely think that the issue of decentralization is overrated, I am not saying that it is bad, but it is always necessary to lead someone to make some decisions that others do not dare to make.

Decentralization = lack of leadership, lack of one vision and plan, lack of anyone responsible for failures. And it means slow decision making process.

Good definition, some will not share it but it makes a lot of sense.

Thanks for being here, happy weekend!

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