Some achievements on the steem platform and the hive

in Project HOPE4 years ago


Greetings friends.

On this occasion I want to share with you my experiences about my performance in these almost three years in the old steemit block chain that later became hive.

The relevant achievement for this case is that I reached my reputation of 70. In previous posts I had not developed any writing that referred to any achievement within the old steem platform and what is now hive, however I consider relevant to talk about this point of the 70's reputation achieved, because for me it has not been easy to get to this point, I know that some users have reached this reputation quickly, which is to be admired from my side.

When I started there in mid-September 2017 I was asked about the feasibility of obtaining a high reputation, if I had been asked at that time if I thought I was capable of reaching this reputation of 70, perhaps I would have told them that I did not imagine it, since logically I would have thought that it was a rather complicated challenge to achieve, however what seemed impossible to me before is now a reality.

In conclusion, the constancy accompanied by a necessary time under which I could be making corrections, taking readings in a process of trial and error, very typical of us engineers, where I try with something and if it does not work I vary with something different until obtaining the rhythm that better fits this type of ecosystem.

Not all the personal effort is necessary to obtain the achievement of these 70 of reputation, I believe that without the support of the communities that have supported me none of this would have been possible, I want to thank for such a point to all the communities and users that have always been there in the good ones and in the bad ones supporting me and guiding my growth, to all a gratefulness to accompany me in this wonderful trip.

What do I think of the people who follow me?

Very important, although I am aware that the number reflected in our profile is not in essence a net statistic of the followers who do not follow, and I say this because I am aware that many perhaps at the beginning were following me, but today perhaps many are retired and are not exercising some kind of activity on the platform.

Therefore, even though the total number of users who follow me does not fully reflect the essence of following another user within the platform, I have to say that currently a total of 1386 users follow me, that is what marks the statistics of my profile, I really do not know how many seriously reviewed my content regularly, for me the really important thing is that as insignificant as this number seems, I think it must be assumed with much respect, because without a user follows you is because he believes in you, believes in your work and what you have been doing, I think that perhaps a percentage of people who follow me deserve that I continue giving them content that they like, therefore my commitment is to them, so have the complete conviction that I will continue working to keep my blog refreshed and ready to keep them educated and aware of new publications.


None of these achievements, especially the reputation of 70 would have been possible without the help and support of users who have been there supporting and guiding me many times in my growth, the project hope community has been a blessing for me and my development within the two platforms, this community led by an excellent human being like @cryptopiotr which I know that many of the community users value and appreciate for the great effort it makes to reward many authors who give their all to bring out this ecosystem.

Thank you all, in relation to my friends and users, thank you also to the blessed community of project hope, thank you because this achievement is really yours too, I feel like family so I felt the need to share this achievement with my brothers of the project hope community.

Greetings to all and I hope that many of you will have the possibility to continue growing and obtaining achievements within this ecosystem.

 4 years ago 

@tipu curate

Congratulations on your achievement friend you really write well and deserve to grow, glad for the concept of communities on this chain that is one way some of us ever gets noticed.

Hello @futurekr

Thank you very much for those emotional words, which undoubtedly motivate me to continue contributing and growing. Greetings and blessings to you.

 4 years ago 

Thanks for sharing your experience and details of your journey on this blockchain @carlos84
Resteemed already.

Congratz reachin 70 reputation level :) How the hell did you achieve that? Even my rep is just 69 lol.

It's definetly pleasure to have you around as a close member of PH community. Stay safe buddy
Cheers, Piotr

Hello my dear friend piotr.

I think it's a very long story to be able to tell you all the things I've had to go through to get to this point, it would really be almost like a book that could be written about it, but I'll try to summarize it:

I think even at this point I had more reputation points, because I had a little time where I found myself unmotivated and very confused, because at the beginning it was difficult, I think I didn't get the support I deserved, that made me retire for a while.

To return to the platform, I simply came to the conclusion that if someone does not value you, you have to fight and show them that you are really worth a lot, so I chose to be constant, to make a robust content focused on my profession, on what I know how to do, to earn drop by drop with sacrifice the trust of some users and communities, I started in September 2017 but it was not from 2018 approximately where I started to really grow, My content in the STEM area helped me a lot, which at first I did not realize, that is to say at first I dedicated myself to publish content about things that were not my strong point, that is a mistake, since today I have learned that to advance you have to be constant and persistent in the area that we dominate, for nobody it is a secret that since I am an oil engineer and university professor in the area of infinitesimal calculus, because there in that area I dedicated my best efforts.

Discipline is undoubtedly the best tool to succeed, without discipline and perseverance none of this would have been possible, but more importantly all the users and communities that have placed their trust and have supported me by valuing my content, that is why I have seen in the community of the project hope a great family, to all the users of this great family I want to give them my most sincere gratitude, and to you thank you very much my dear friend piotr for giving me the opportunity to grow in family, you are a great leader, humble and with a great heart, keep always active that great communicative strength, in reality I had not known a leader in my 3 years in this ecosystem that was so communicative in spite of being a fundamental pillar.

Under all these arguments and others is that I have been able to get where I am, so I invite many others to be encouraged to continue contributing and contributing, because if you can, and the road is long, so there are many more achievements to be made.

Greetings, successes and blessings to you and to the whole community of Project Hope.

 4 years ago 

Late thank you for this amazing comment @carlos84

congratulations for reach the 70's Milestone!, i am happy for you.

I agreed with you that Is a team work, and with the help of communities we are a strong force.

Let's kerp doing the good work and stay focused friend 👍

Hello @reinaldoverdu.

You are a fundamental pillar within this ecosystem, thank you very much for your words that are very wise, together we will be invincible, I know that you will soon reach the milestone of the 70's reputation.

Greetings, successes and blessings to you my dear friend.

Hello friend, congratulations, I'm very happy for you, I think it's a great achievement, I also want to reach that great number, maybe for many is just that but I think it represents.many things, one of them is the effort and dedication we have had in these platforms. So let's enjoy it. Greetings!

Thank you my dear friend for your pleasant congratulations, greetings and may you have many successes in everything you undertake. Greetings

@carlos84 there is a saying slowly and steadily win the race you are doing very good job on platform. Keep up the good work and work for the betterment of the community.

I apply this philosophy all the time, I don't go in a hurry and I certainly feel safe at a working speed but I accompany a constant interaction. Greetings

Congrats, @carlos84. Keep doing your nice job.

Thank you for your support, my dear friend. Greetings

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