Petroleum geopolitics

in Project HOPE2 years ago


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Since oil was discovered, mankind has seen how important it is for the generation of energy and the production of other derivative products, there has been the need to have an active world geopolitical vision in relation to everything that has to do with the energy scenarios derived from world oil production.

Current oil geopolitics seeks to find which are the countries with the largest reserves petroleum in the world, since according to the oil zenith we are already reaching the maximum production peak, so that for later years we could already be in decline, we are currently experiencing a world energy crisis as a result of the gurrea, This is causing the world oil geopolitics to become active so that the countries with the highest energy demand move their chess pieces and see which producing country is the most convenient based on their political relations and geographical proximity in order to have a more optimized maritime transportation of oil.


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World oil geopolitics is not inherent to the existence of good international relations, we can see it today, almost all this current energy crisis is due to the upheaval in the world, we do not have the best international relations, NATO is in enmity with Russia, Russia for its part threatens other countries for their inclusion in NATO, and the conflict between Ukraine and Russia is taking a development that is far from culminating.

World geopolitics in relation to oil has made the great powers want to have control of some variables that revolve around the oil zenith, for example the knowledge that if the oil peak is reached, in the future what would come is the successive decrease of oil reserves, then there will be military conflicts for wanting to take control of the largest oil fields and the management and control of the important maritime routes.

The control of the straits will allow the oil to reach its destination in less time than using traditional routes. Therefore, the movements that the world needs to keep moving within a geopolitical oil perspective go beyond the seizure of the large oil fields.


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After oil depletion, a new era is on the horizon, in which oil will be sought with the same enthusiasm as at the beginning of the century, causing searches to be carried out in geographic locations that are currently unimportant, as in the case of oil exploration in the Arctic.


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The conclusion of the case is that the social upheavals that humanity will have to go through due to the lack of energy and fossil fuels will only be explained in our minds if we have an education oriented to understand the world oil geopolitics that is currently taking shape and that will give much to talk about in the future.


Hello @carlos84, this issue is very controversial, the countries with the largest reserves of good oil will always be on alert and within this group there are always those who want to seize those locations with important deposits, this scenario can be "drawn" as a never-ending story . And I am very concerned about a geopolitical scenario that can develop in parallel at any time and it is the "war for water", the same endless story but because of the scarcity of water

Hello friend. A very good complement to reinforce what is expressed here. Greetings and thanks for commenting.

Hello friend, certainly the issue of oil is complex, the great powers struggle to ensure the supply, that includes establishing relations with producing countries or even get to exercise some kind of control over them, as you say, it is to see which producing country is more convenient for its proximity and diplomatic relations.

hmmm... I don't think it will be size, countries fight for owning oil lands... I guess, Russia and china will be leading to do this!!

Oil consumption would decrease, as alternative come out... I think countries are realised that reliance on Russia for oil was a mistake, they will find alternatives for sure!!

Hello @carlos84
The current situation seems to be OK you are my enemy buy I still have to buy oil from you.
And the seller can do his share of arm twisting and pricing.
So the quest for the new oil reserves is bound to be there.

Hi @carlos84.

The constant struggle to obtain oil, being the main component of all fossil fuels that move the world, has turned into wars of different generations that are constantly seen in order to obtain the resource, this has generated many problems between different nations, and personally I think that future problems will end up being for obtaining fresh water on the planet.

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