Basis oriented on the genuine aspects of life

in Project HOPE3 years ago

Hello friends of the steem community, especially to all the friends who make active life with articles of interest within the community of the hope project.

In this opportunity I want to share with you some reflections oriented to those genuine forms that should have a special interest in our lives, especially taking into consideration that there are unique elements in nature and in our lives in general that when we appreciate them make us happy.

It is like when we are children and we play soccer with a ball that with the passing of time becomes obsolete, but that same ball has such a special meaning that we can see it as genuine because it makes us remember that stage as a child in which we were pleasantly happy.


There are elements that depreciate and acquire more value, this depreciation is part of its own form and aesthetics, especially the biological elements that have life have a beginning and an end, during this process it is important that we feel that it does not lose its originality based on new changes that change its own nature, it is like the case in which we always see that tree that with the passage of time is letting its branches fall, but always contemplating it we realize that its permanence in that originality makes us long for the time we spent sheltered in its shadow.


The inexistent contrast between the aspects that coincide in such a genuine originality are fundamental to denote the existing perfection between nature and its ecosystem, only appreciating those genuine aspects is when we learn to value the importance of taking account of things without seeing significant changes that may alter our reality more accurate about the genuine and the deceptions that can give us a reality disguised as sensationalism.


Let's make of the genuine that essential element that does not need a circumstantial change to make us happy, on the contrary, its originality will allow us to take the elements of that caliber with great firmness and make us a great learning of life.



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Hello @carlos84!
Very thoughtful post. As time goes by we learn to give value to what truly has value and in little things we can find great memories and values. Greetings!

Hello my dear friend, certainly the power to live more and have new experiences leads us to value the most genuine things in life, even if they seem to have no value but for us it has an incalculable value.

Greetings and thank you for reading and commenting.

The things, objects, smells, memories that we acquire in life have a special contribution and meaning and take us back to the moment we lived it, they are those kind of anchors that are generated in the transit.
And we can use them for the development of our life, and if we know how to use them we can enjoy many more moments of happiness than we think.
Thank you for your contribution

That's right my friend, being able to have those memories of our childhood with elements that are unique to us makes us embrace happiness again.

Greetings and thank you for your contribution.

hello @carlos84,
human beings change over time and many of the things that surround us only acquire real value in our lives when we give them the gift of our attention, on the other hand it is said that life is what happens before our eyes, while we are busy with other things.

Certainly human beings change over time, which is why when we become mature enough to value what makes us happy we end up appreciating the things that are genuine to us.

Greetings friend and thanks for reading and commenting.

Hello friend @carlos84.

An extraordinary content that you present us in this opportunity, I really enjoyed reading your words, where it is important to highlight the following:

Let's make the genuine that essential element that does not need a circumstantial change to make us happy, on the contrary, its originality will allow us to take the elements of that caliber with great firmness and make us a great learning of life.

Totally agree with you, thank you for sharing such excellent words with all of us, many successes.

Hello friend @rbalzan79.

I am very pleased that you have read and appreciated this post, it really is an opportunity to reflect on the important aspects of life taking into account the elements that are genuine and that make us happy.

Greetings and thanks for your contribution.

 3 years ago 

Very good point to make yourself genuine and above all, once you are genuine, to always be genuine.
I have found that all people in some way are genuine in the things we do in fact in that many times we differ, you can do a specific job but you have that gift that makes you different from other people who also do the same job.

Certainly friend human beings are genuine by nature, since there is no other living being on the planet with the same characteristics and capabilities as us.

Greetings friend @lanzjoseg and thank you for taking the time to read and comment on this post.

This statement is true "It is like when we are children and we play soccer with a ball that with the passing of time becomes obsolete, but that same ball has such a special meaning that we can see it as genuine because it makes us remember that stage as a child in which we were pleasantly happy". When I see children playing football it brings a lot of memories back to my mind, and sometimes I wish I never grew up lol. Nice post @carlos84

That's right my friend, I still have a soccer ball from when I played as a kid, and every time I look at it and contemplate it brings back memories of my childhood and makes me happy, I really don't care that the ball looks deteriorated, for me it has more value than any new ball.

Greetings and thanks for commenting.

Certainly with the passage of time it is the essence of things that remains, that originality and that which makes them important.

In the essence of the elements that we consider original and that we give a special value is the meaning of our lives.

Greetings friend @emimoron and thank you for taking the time to read and comment on this post.

Very amazing post.Thanks for sharing such a knowledge.

Thanks to you my friend for taking the time to read this post and commenting positively on it, it is important to realize the value of the genuine in our lives.

Greetings and until a next reading.

Amazing! The way you described everything was amazing really, very interesting read.

I believe that we shall appreciate every small thing that took some part of our life, that made us happy one day until it's a habit for us to do and enjoy and the memories that connect us to that particular thing will always keep something special inside our hearts and minds.

Certainly when we analyze the past things in our life that made us happy, then we will learn to value those memories with a touch of originality in their past elements, since nothing can replace that which makes us so happy.

Greetings and thanks for commenting.

Some very helpful and high thought example and teaching from you which is very much associated with life and we can easily follow to be firm in our life in the way of thinking at least. The example of football when we were playing in childhood was interesting and learning topic.

That's right my friend and along with that example of soccer for sure we can find other elements of our past life that are unique and that remembering them makes us extremely happy, it is important to learn to value them.

Greetings and thanks for reading and commenting on this post.

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