My BSC wallet was hacked and all my assets were stolen: Coping, Security and an expensive lesson

in Project HOPE3 years ago

Every time I experience a challenge in life, my mum always tells me that it's just the universe trying to harden me for the next phase of life. It's sparse consolation and doesn't reduce the pain but at least something good might come out.

Right now, I can't think of any positive from my situation and I've been very sad since yesterday. I logged into Cubfinance with Metamask as I always do and noticed that the number of LP tokens in the Cub/BUSD farm was zero, instead of 1891.

I assumed it was a network glitch, refreshed it over and over again, but it was still zero. I started panicking, and then went over to pancake swap to check my stable coin savings and it was also cleaned out.

On top of that, my DEC in the farm was gone. I also noticed that all the cake and cub I had staked in Kingdom was all gone.

So much pain

I'm writing this with so much pain in my heart because that was years of hard work just stolen in the space of 15 minutes.

On Metamask, there was nothing showing in my activity log but when I checked the BSC scan, everything was clear. I don't know how but someone swiftly pulled out all my assets worth roughly $10K from Cubfinance and Pancakeswap.

I've been asking questions and trying to figure out what happened. The possible reasons are that I either clicked a phishing link or inputted my keys somewhere.

Seeing as I've not actually used my keys for any transaction beyond logging into Metamask and that's a one-time thing, I don't think that's the case. However, if my metamask was compromised then I guess they could get my seed phrase.

How was my metamask compromised though? I don't click links and my discord is on my phone where there's no access to my BSC wallet.

I was also told that it could be a breach on my Google drive but that's also protected by 2FA and I'd have to approve it from my phone for anyone to access it. On top of that, I'll also get a notification email if anyone logs into my drive. I've deleted the document from my wallet key

The other possibility that I've heard is that there's a keylogger on my laptop.

I was also advices to run a full system virus scan to find out if there's a malicious program stealing my information. The only problem is that I use the basic windows defender but not for long, as I intend to invest in a proper antivirus.

On top of that, I've also ordered a hardware wallet to give me extra crypto security. Ironically, I even saw a tweet earlier today that mentioned that Hive is now supported by Ledger.

I'm paranoid

Right now, I'm very paranoid and it's hard to function properly. It was difficult to eat, sleep or think properly yesterday but thanks to the support I've gotten so far, I've been able to calm down a bit.

I didn't prioritise my security and it has come around to hurt me bad. I want to move on as fast as possible and take steps to ensure this never happens again.

I left the wallet untouched since I found out yesterday. I know it's a very long shot, but if it's possible to recover my funds, please help me out.

I appreciate every form of support and assistance I've gotten so far. I really want to put this behind me and continue building for the future.

Here's my wallet address that was hacked: 0xC75E34E3ee9a343041B3322E1bD97b4940Ed721d

Here's the wallet address of the person that robbed me : 0x158ccd4e081cb0701b724780042fef5bb963347e

I'll be back stronger

My mum didn't raise a quitter and I'm certainly not going to let this event destroy everything I've struggled to build in the past 4 years.

This is an expensive lesson that I'd have preferred not to experience but it has happened. Now I have to stay strong and keep moving forward.

I wanted to buy a Nano Ledger X but that's not available in any local store in Nigeria. I'm expecting the Nano S in a few days, and after that, I'll be back on BSC, doing my thing again.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

 3 years ago 

To @everyone

I would also recommend checking out post by our friend lupafilotaxia: Risk management to avoid becoming a victim of cryptocurrency scams

 3 years ago (edited)

Thanks for sharing your experience @belemo

It's very unfortunate to learn what had happened to you.

How was my metamask compromised though? I don't click links and my discord is on my phone where there's no access to my BSC wallet.

Problem is that you possibly used public WiFi while signing in to metamask. This is something I would always recommend to avoid.

I was also told that it could be a breach on my Google drive but that's also protected by 2FA and I'd have to approve it from my phone for anyone to access it

Correct me if I'm wrong , but metamask doesn't offer 2FA verification.

I'm watching number of youtubers on daily basis and I've learned already that some of they have been hacked. And it seem that mostly those who have been using metamask were targets.

I myself am metamask user and I've learned not to ever use it while I'm being connected to any sort of public and unsecured wi-fi. This is one hell of a lesson everyone should learn.

Resteemed already

Greetings friend @belemo, without a doubt it is a very unpleasant experience that you share with us, how sad that the work of years goes up in smoke in a matter of seconds, we only have to learn from the spilled glass and move forward as you express it well in your writing. Cheer up and move forward.

Greetings @belemo 💕💕

I'm really sorry about the great loss you encountered as a result of your wallet hack. I also love the fact that you shared some important lessons to learn from.

Thanks for sharing this great post with love from @hardaeborla and I hope you have a great day ahead 💕🙌💕

hello @belemo,
I understand how you feel at this moment, some time ago from my poloniex wallet a hacker stole half bitcoins, this experience taught me that security in the world of cryptocurrencies is very important.

we should always be careful with our cryptocurrencies because they are digital money, I hope my dear friend you can overcome this difficult moment and see it as a very expensive lesson, I guarantee you that with time you will recover and now you will be wiser with your security.

Hello @belemo
This really was a hard blow, wow, I don't even want to imagine that happening to me, although it's really not much that I have in Metamask, the reality is that whenever there is a loss, however much it is, it leaves a bad taste.
To tell you that you are going to get it back, would be sowing remote hopes. What is true is that you are not going to start from scratch, because you already have an experience in the online business with cryptocurrencies, and you already know the way, but it is very important to improve the security levels and always use the internet that is not public, it is one of the main sources of income for hackers.

It is sad to read about your experience bro. I hope you'll recover all that you've lost.
Just like you said, you're not a quitter and I believe that. You'll come back bigger and better bro

Hi @belemo

I am sorry for this difficult situation you are going through right now, I don't want to be in your shoes, God puts us in situations that we can overcome and I know you will be able to overcome this fateful stage in the crypto world.

Best regards, be well.

 3 years ago 

Wow. Dude. I know what it's like to me once with my metamask I didn't have much, I didn't have more than 40 dollars, but 40 dollars is a lot here in Venezuela.
I know how it feels and I know what a hard time you had and are still having,
great advice from your mum, the old people always say the right word.

wow my friend, what a terrible experience, no doubt that in the world of cryptocurrencies there are a good number of malicious people trying to steal what others have built with so much effort, I can only imagine the anger and helplessness you must feel, but I'm sure they are hard lessons that you have learned and we thank you for sharing with us, success from here on out my friend.

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