Thinking positive

in Project HOPE3 years ago
Dear readers, sometimes we go through difficult situations that make us lose optimism and we take refuge in negative thoughts which from my perspective worsens our situation, because I am a faithful believer that we attract to our lives what we think so it is good to keep our mind full of positive aspects. Some years ago I had the opportunity to read a book called "The Secret" I imagine that many of you have heard it because it is very famous, in my particular case I never bought it because it is not the type of texts that I usually read, but in my mother's house I got it saved among the books of an aunt who was no longer in the country, I can assure you that it changed the way I perceive things.

Design by @amestyj with public domain image taken from PIXABAY

I am a believer in God, but I have also experienced a feeling that many of us call faith, when we are in trouble we try to hold on to something and we only think about it with a lot of positivism so that everything goes well. Particularly about 11 years ago I went through a very urgent and delicate situation with my son, where my faith increased and I only thought about his satisfactory recovery, I got to visualize how God interceded for him, and today after my son was on the verge of death he is fully recovered and is a great athlete.

You may wonder why I brought up the situation of my son where it reflects only a religious situation or a miracle to put it in a more explicit way, well I simply did it to make a small comparison on what I read in the book and that has a lot of logic, the text states that there is a divine energy in the universe that is responsible for returning to you what you think, therefore, if you focus your thoughts on a specific goal with a lot of positivity and with great certainty of achieving it there is a high probability that you achieve it. From my perspective I believe that keeping positive thoughts is something that will allow our life and our environment to remain in balance, but there I would also add that we must think and act to truly crystallize what we want leaving aside our comfort zone.

Design by @amestyj with public domain image taken from PIXABAY

In the same sense, for some people it could be difficult to focus on what they want, the book points out that there are some practical ways to do it, such as developing a visualization chart where you can visually capture those goals you really want, this chart should be placed in a very busy place for the person so you can visualize it every day and remember with much positivism what you really want to achieve. If you ask me what I think about it, I tell you that I think it is a very feasible strategy to plan our priorities, remember them and execute them, always with positivism and with the perception that we can achieve it, without underestimating ourselves that we all have abilities.

Dear readers, I am writing about this, because I have particularly seen results applying what many know as the law of attraction, it is based on believing faithfully that you will achieve what you propose always putting your best effort, without being overwhelmed by bad experiences and results, always taking the good of each experience and discarding the bad, my visualization chart is done and my desire to keep moving forward and improve in each of the aspects in which I am immersed remains intact until I achieve it trying again and again, for me discipline, perseverance, dedication, passion and positivism are the key to success, after we achieve it do not forget to be grateful.

Thank you for sticking with me to the end.


Greetings @amestyj 💕

This is really one of the best motivational piece I have ever come across on this platform. Positive thoughts will definitely make you more successful than others who don't think positively.

Thanks for sharing this great post with love from @hardaeborla and I hope you have a great day ahead ❤️💕❤️

Hello dear friend @hardaeborla, thank you for your valuable words, no doubt in staying positive and focused on what we want is part of success.

See you later, have a happy new year 2022.

Hello @amestyj
Complex experiences are the.ones that make us change perspectives, I have seen it many times, and lived it.
By thinking positive we awaken good emotions and energies in ourselves, and those good things are the ones we attract to ourselves, some see it as common divine power, others as universal energy, others as energy, whatever vision each one of us has, the positive is the important thing.

Hi friend @josevas217, you are right when you mention that there are compelling moments that change our lives and our way of thinking, I think staying positive and sure of things will allow us to take hold of what we do.

See you later brother, happy new year !

Hi friend @amestyj. Thanks for this thoughtful post, really positive thinking is the best way to achieve results or attract good energies, our mind is very powerful, and when we fervently believe that we can achieve something seems that all our actions are directed in it, but if we think negatively we limit our energy and we get discouraged easily.

Hello my dear friend @emilomoron, sometimes it seems that it is easier to get discouraged than to be positive, which as you mention affects our energies and considerably decreases our actions which slows down or paralyzes what we want to achieve.

See you later brother, have a happy new year !

Hello @amestyj

Excellent topic that you bring us in this publication, I have always said that everything is part of our energies and thinking positive recharges our positive energies to the point of generating balances when we receive negative energies.

Best regards, be well.

Hello dear friend @lupafilotaxia being positive generates good energies that allows us to effectively channel what we want to achieve because we always maintain a proactive attitude.

Goodbye, have a happy new year!

Hello dear friend, a good reflection, thinking positive is important, although we must also understand that things always happen that are out of our hands and we must accept them and move forward. Greetings

Hello dear friend @franyeligonzalez, you are absolutely right sometimes things happen that are out of our hands, but in spite of them we must go ahead with much optimism and positivism to reach our goals without being overwhelmed by discouragement.

Goodbye, have a happy year !

In the face of even the greatest adversities, we must think and act positively, greetings and thank you for giving us such a wonderful contribution.

Greetings dear friend @carlos84, thanks to you for your valuable comment, definitely staying active is part of the success.

So long, happy year and blessings to your family.

Hello @amestyj, it is a very healthy topic you have touched today. Thinking in positive way helps us attract positive and good things towards ourselves, I have learnt that our lives turn out as a reflection of our thought and I have held on to this believe, trying all I can to ensure that my mind is focused in a positive direction only.

Hello friend @gbenga I agree with you in our life is reflection of what we think, therefore, to stay proactive we need to visualize ourselves as we want.

See you later, happy new year

I also believe that it is what we believe in that works for us that why I try to stay positive in all situation and also work towards it. For example to be successful in life we must first believe in success.

Hello friend, I am glad that you keep that positive attitude at all times, you will certainly always remain part of the solution.

Goodbye, Happy New Year!

very good

Hello friend thanks for your review, I hope you have a happy new year !

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