Some considerations on time management

in Project HOPE3 years ago
Dear readers, nowadays, due to so many occupations that people may have during the day, sometimes they do not comply with the activities that are raised due to lack of time which can cause a delay as far as their activities are concerned. It is for this reason that there are strategies that allow people to manage their time and thus meet the objectives that may arise during the day.

Image design by @amestyj with public domain images 1,2

One of the strategies is good planning, since it is important that at the beginning of the week all the activities to be carried out per day are planned according to their importance. It is also necessary to delegate functions either at home or at work because in a team it is possible to achieve the objectives in a faster and simpler way, thus achieving the fulfillment of the activities.

In this sense, Pérez (2016), states that the proper management of time guarantees not only personal order, but also that of companies, families, institutions and societies in general, knowing that time is an invariable resource that, as it arrives, follows its rhythm and when we least realize it becomes past, history, so that when we talk about managing it, we refer to putting it to good use, investing it in what really makes sense and is highly significant for each person.

Image design by @amestyj with public domain images 1

That is to say, that managing time is an important resource to be able to fulfill all the proposed objectives, since it is necessary to invest it in activities that can bring great satisfaction. On the other hand, if there is no organization and your activities are not completed on time, it may cause at some point the inability to lose great opportunities for lack of time, in addition to the objectives will not be met and this can cause increased workload and stress.

Dear readers, to conclude, it is necessary to make it clear that it is essential to properly manage the time we give to the different occupations, so that we can share with family and friends without leaving them in a second and, in addition, we will be able to fulfill all the proposed objectives in a timely manner.

Bibliographic references
  • Perez, A. (2016) Time management: a priority in life. Bogotá. La Salle University.


Hello dear friend @amestyj

I agree with your approach when you say "One of the strategies is a good planning, since it is important that at the beginning of the week all the activities to be performed per day are planned according to their importance", I think the best way to establish a planning rather than by priorities, is according to the level of importance it represents for oneself.

Best regards, be well.

Hello dear friend @lupafilotaxia, I think we agree that planning is essential to manage time, depending on the importance as you mention or the priority we have of things we can organize each week. The ideal is that we are more effective in what we do, see you later brother have an excellent start of the week.

Good evening. Very true, time management is key to achieving goals and planning makes sure we can make good use of it. Thanks for sharing.

Hello friend, everything we do takes time, therefore, managing it in an efficient way allows us to do things in a timely manner, this way we can cover more activities and be more proactive.

See you later, have a great start of the week.

One of the strategies is good planning, as it is important that at the beginning of the week all the activities to be carried out per day are planned according to their importance. " Planning our time is a way of guaranteeing that we will achieve some of the planned tasks; however, the day to day sometimes also changes your plans with unforeseen events. Thanks for these tips

Hello friend, what you mention is true sometimes we do not escape the unforeseen events that undoubtedly affect our daily tasks, according to what we plan to take the decision depending on the level of importance if we resume or start with another activity.

See you later, have a great start of the week.

excellent publication friend @amestyj, in order to be more effective in our responsibilities, we have to take control of our time, as you mention, we must make a daily planning of everything we are going to do and of course order the activities that require greater investment of time.

thank you for all this writing my friend

Greetings brother, time is something that must be taken advantage of, especially when we want to achieve great progress in our projects, break down the activities, prioritize them and determine the time in which we can do it, could make a difference and make us more effective people in everything we do in our lives.

See you later, have a great start of the week.

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