Some considerations on digital jobs

in Project HOPE3 years ago
Digital jobs have become a resource of great help for some people, because through it you can develop certain activities through technology, today the work being done digitally have increased because due to the pandemic that is currently living many people also have had to reinvent themselves, this has been very beneficial for them, as it is a job that can be done from home to get their income and to meet certain need.

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According to the international labor organization (2019), it established that one of the main transformations experienced in the world of work in recent decades has been the emergence of digital platforms for online jobs. This new way of working not only changed existing business models, but also the mode of employment on which such business models were based. Digital platforms give workers the opportunity to work from anywhere, at any time, and to accept the job that suits them best.

We can say that digital jobs are great tools that can be done from anywhere where the person is because according to technological developments in recent years have allowed people to have communications wherever they are.One of the benefits of digital jobs is that you can spend more time with your family and somehow you can better manage your time, you can also adapt to any change that may arise some application, are more productive and somehow does not affect your emotional stability as it is autonomous in its functions among other benefits that can cause having online income.

On the other hand, there are also disadvantages to having these types of jobs, one of them is lack of human interaction that is to say it does not have any type of communication, likewise relying on technology equipment can cause social isolation, people tend to become sedentary people.

Dear Readers, digital jobs are of great benefit that somehow can be very useful for our life, it is necessary to know how to have limits because without realizing it people can move away from their environment which can have great disadvantages in the future.

Bibliographic references
International Labour Organization ILO (2019). Digital platforms and the future of work.


Hello @amestyj technology is here to stay, but how extraordinary it would be if all individuals in a society had equal access to it, I say this because in times of pandemic has become a viable way to carry our teaching work and has allowed to generate income with digital jobs. In the case of educational digital works there is still a long way to go and educate our society about it. Thanks for your contribution my friend

Greetings my dear friend, you are absolutely right, technology has allowed us to perform a variety of digital activities that have generated good income.

See you later brother.

Hello @amestyi!
Certainly digital work allows us to distribute our time depending on our needs and the most important thing is that we can do it from home, however, with all this situation, I have greatly valued sharing with my co-workers and face-to-face classes, the interaction is very important. Thanks for sharing, greetings!

Hello my dear friend, what I like about working at home is that I can share with my family, but like you, I miss some moments in the classroom, because it allows us to interact and do some practice with our students. See you later my friend, blessings to your family.

An extremely valid point of view what you expose for many of us the sedentary life has become part of us, and isolation not only pandemic effect, but by the type of work we adopt.
thanks for the contribution.

Greetings my dear friend, it is true what you mention is not only cause of the pandemic that digital jobs are established, technology has advanced so much that has allowed many jobs are done virtually, except for a few exceptions.

Thanks for your valuable comment, see you later!

Greetings friend @amestyj. Digital jobs offer us many opportunities, if we see it from another point of view we can have several digital jobs at the same time, an example of that we have the Steemit platform, it has become a digital job, where we receive income for generating quality content, when The greater the effort the greater the benefit. thank you friend for sharing such important information

Hello dear friend, we are in total agreement, digital platforms like steemit, generate income from the comfort of our home, therefore, our most valuable tool is the internet.

See you later, blessings for your baby

Hello @amestyj

Reading digital jobs, I felt I had to visit your post and see if I could find any post lol, well going into the subject, as you rightly put it what attracts me most to this world of digital jobs, is that you can spend more. time with your family and somehow you can manage your time better, in that we certainly agree.

Best regards, be well.

Digital work has many benefits, since it not only reduces printing costs, but also allows the interested party to detect plagiarism, especially at university level. It is a strategy that has helped a lot in these times of pandemic... kind regards.

 3 years ago 

Digital jobs have adapted to many jobs that were not digital. in this sense I know that there will be more and more possibilities to have a digital job that adapts to your needs. currently what we do on these platforms I consider it as a job.

Greetings friend @amestyj there are many advantages of digital jobs, starting that you can sustain more than one, from a certain perspective the constant use of the Steemit platform, has become a digital job, where we receive income for our publications made, the more we strive the greater the benefits, is a topic that revolutionized the world from the pandemic, and has generated financial freedom to many people who apply it, thank you very much for sharing this article.

The sedentary lifestyle, that's what I think is affecting me the most. As for socializing, I'm a homebody, but sometimes I have to go out to get some air and change the routine.

Digital jobs are the present and what this pandemic did was to reinforce them.

Excellent post. Thanks for such good content.

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