Personal Finance and questioning why schools do not teach it

in Project HOPE5 years ago

Have you ever thought about your life after school to be full of fantasies, I mean a life with no pain, no reason to learn how to handle money, a life where you do not need a mortgage only to realize when you are out in the real life that you are facing isn’t close to what you thought when you were in school. If you had that same thought, then you are not alone as I thought the same way too and I’m sure a lot of people thought the same way.


Did you have problem with dealing with figures when you were in college only to be out of school to start facing calculations about how much you have spent, deals on credit cards, calculating paying your rent, pay for your car as well as tax? Well that is reality, I mean the real world.

Were You Taught Personal Finance?

The difference between several homeschooled children and school trained children is financial education. While growing as teenagers and young youths who still receive allowance from parents, what a lot of us spent our allowances on was to get the latest gadget, the most expensive designer wears, and spending money creating get together party with friends but starting to live alone and working for your money brings you to start thinking about personal finance. In this light you need to understand that at this point, everything that deals with money in your life is your personal finance. From the money you spend buying tickets for a movie to the money you pay for an accommodation, renting a car or buying one as well as your savings and investment.


Do not be deceive, in life money is a big deal. People do a lot of things for money like working for money, gambling for money, fighting for money (Boxing, wrestling and sumo), marry for money, steal for money, defraud for money and even kill for money. Money commands respect, it gives a person a level of respect. Nobody looks up to a poor person also, no matter how wise you are, your wise sayings are not recognized until you can proof it by being a millionaire or a billionaire. Since money is of high importance, then learning how to handle should also of high priority.

The ability to plan, and utilize your money is known as Personal Finance, the ability to decide what you want to use your money for and what you do not want to use it for.

Why not teach how to spend money in school, so many things are taught in schools from the multiplication table to the periodic table. The same thing applies to colleges that teaches a lot of courses but at the end of it, no school teaches personal finance. My question is why?

Why do school not teach personal finance?

I will appreciate if you share your views in the comment. Thanks for taking time to read my blog

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If there was something i wishes i was taught in school, it is personal finance. It is amazing how the school curriculum never goes that way rather you are left to learn about this thing yourself and learning it can be painful with several losses.

So many of us taught the same. I always say the same but it is not in the school curriculums i guess. Thanks for reading my post.

 5 years ago 

I think that it is not an objective of the educational system that I know to make people who educate or form independent entrepreneurs, rather, people are educated to be employees, it is an inheritance that we have to solve with the conception of education of the twentieth century, but it comes from the very Industrial Revolution of the eighteenth century, from then on the ruling classes understood that they needed to train manpower, but competitors were not to be generated by economic, social or political power, but to subordinates who They will work for those who govern and generate wealth.

Ok, that sounds cruel, depressing and possibly just my mistrustful view of reality, but you can't deny that it sounds like a possible answer.

I have been taught to graduate and get a job, in fact i was told once i get a job, i will not have any financial problem. I was never taught how to manage money and it is painful that the educational system keeps building people who are poor in terms of money management and personal finance.

I think there are lessons that can only be learnt practically, this includes how to spend money.

Yes, you are right. This is a personal practical problems that needs to be solved personally. If the school can't teach me how to manage personal finance then why do they have to teach me how to recite the states capital?

My kid's school teaches that... they even have virtual banks app gamified for a couple of months so that students understand that things COST money. And that they need to control expenses and make the best of those profits to win the game.

I wonder what kind of trouble the schools would get into if suddenly they would just create a crypto coin to implement the same teaching!... and the coin would get viral LOL

Crazy, but really easy to happen if you can convince the school principal.

That is amazing. I wasn't taught this in school and i must say your child is lucky to be taught this. Creating a crypto coin? That will be the beginning of a new thing but i guess Currently having cryptocurrency at its early stage, it won't be allowed.

The moment they learn how to program, there’s nothing preventing them. Of course that executing is another story... but I don’t think it’s a big deal. There are hundreds of coins that were just created for fun.

Yes like the spiderman coin :)

Actually it will be a good idea if schools start letting their students learn about cryptocurrency in the basic way.

If they don't it's like not letting students do science. Hopefully the finance and economy courses are already adapted to teach crypto. At least those, then law, programming, etc.

Solid read. Resteemed and upvoted already :)

 5 years ago 

@tipu curate

It took some years to understand how to handle money and spend money. I love this topic, thanks for sharing this.

Thanks futurekr

 5 years ago 

Dear @ajewa

Another interesting publication. Indeed it's very saddening that most teenagers know nothing about world of finances.

Luckily for me - my family struggled financially when I was growing up so I had to work already since I was 14. I've learned to value money, to budget it and to avoid unnecessary spending and debts from very early age.

Solid read, Upvoted already,
Yours, Piotr

Wow, it is amazing to see that you started working from the age of 14, but a lot of teens do not know about this. Do you think personal finance management should be added to basic education curriculum?

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