Who Do I Follow on Steem & Why?

in OCD4 years ago (edited)



I value the same types of people on Steem as I do off: creative, intelligent and kind. Fortunately, I've gotten to know quite a few of those types on Steem, in the two years and change that I've been blogging, here. Some of the folks that fit this description have come and gone, but the top three that made my list are still here.

To begin with, there is the irrepressible @carlgnash at the top of my list :) My guess is if you've been here, for any amount of time, you probably know Carl; and to know him, even briefly, is to like him.

I mean, what's not to like: self-deprecating, irreverent sense of humor, genuine respect and curiosity about people of all backgrounds, quick-witted, genuinely helpful, capable curator, inspired creator and, I'm happy to add, a friend over the years.

Carl was one of the first to, patiently, teach me the ropes around here, and egg me on to create better posts. My first creative collaboration involved submitting a short poem of mine to him for his consideration. To my happy surprise, Carl then put it to music & sang it, in addition to composing a stirring prose poem/prayer of his own alongside it.

I was delighted with the outcome and hope you will check it out: https://steemit.com/dtube/@carlgnash/1mwk8ljv


Next up, is another smart cookie and mischievous spirit, @kevinwong aka Ether Punk. While I don't know Kevin as well as I do know Carl, he too, was there for me since the very beginning of when I signed up for Steem. Early on, I discovered we both shared an appreciation for Michael Jackson and that Kevin was a seriously playful spirit. As much as he liked to have fun, he liked to read and I like to write.

I was not, always, technologically-savvy enough to follow his blockchain recommendations, and he was generous about sharing his enthusiasms and discoveries in his posts. But I made an effort, because I trusted his judgment and was intrigued by his ever-curious mind. I notice that Kevin does not post as often, lately, and wonder if that's because he is working on a book that I know he has in him.

Lastly, there is Inna Hardison @ autthorofthings who, alas, is no longer Steeming. How to describe Inna? Russian, feisty, principled, profound, passionate champion of underdogs (brown, Muslim, you name it) and perhaps, the finest writer I've met on here.


Inna was too good to let go .. and we've managed to keep in touch, through Facebook, where I get to keep up with her spirited, punchy take on things. Early on in our friendship, in Steem, as part of a writer's community @isleofwrite Inna and I had this very frank and open conversation and I knew I could trust her, at once.

And, while I'm eulogizing writers I admire, who are no longer active on Steem, but that I'm grateful I met here and still keep in touch with, I must make mention of a striking Israeli poet, Guy @geekorner. Check out his work, even if you are remotely interested in poetry. Also, the multi-talented poet-musician, mystic-in-the making, Dan @d-pend, who I see is making a tentative comeback. Visit him and expand your horizons.

Thank you, Steemians for enriching my experience on this platform and off, with your compassion, creativity and example.


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