A space of creation and living, or selling

in OCD5 years ago

We looked at a few houses today, something that seems to take the entire weekend. One was a brand new duplex that is move in ready and the only one we actually got to go inside, the other two are built in the 50s and 60s. The new one was soulless, the other two need a great deal of work. We are leaning toward the ones that need the work done, as even though we don't really have the time or money to renovate, we want to build a home, not just somewhere to live.

We are on a budget and we have to make some compromises in pretty much everything we do, but the new one is at the outer edge of where we can be, and the others would take a lot of work and money to repair, but can be accomplished over time. I am leaning toward one over the other as while one has a great location and potential for sale later, one has a lot of potential for living life now.

Since living in Finland one of the things I have really missed is space to tinker with various things, space to paint a large canvas or get hammering on some old bits of wood. A space to create. One of the properties provides this kind of space. When it comes to the actual renovations of a house, I can manage the surface tasks and that alone might be something therapeutic.

I like the process of creation and it is even better when I feel what I am doing is useful and adds value to experience. I think that this is a large part of why I like Steem so much as it gives me the sense that what I am doing has a bearing on improving life in the future in many ways, and not just for myself. Do you get that feeling from what you do in life?

Perhaps you do, perhaps not. But I wonder how much of what we do actually does add value, and how much of it we justify as value adding when in reality it is more meaningless than important. I consider most jobs as relatively meaningless in many ways, busy work to occupy our time and generate an income without considering if it is necessary at all.

It is likely that a lot of the stuff we do on Steem is not overly important in the grand scheme of things, but I get the sense that the many things in combination could compound against each other to be very valuable to many people. Ina distributed community like Steem, every action has an effect on the whole ecosystem, though probably usually only very slightly.

But, small things matter and this is why I am leaning toward what might not be the better investment option, and toward the better life option. I don't want to make another 10 or 20% in ten years from now while living for those ten years missing out on that creative space. It would be much like working a dead end job for a slightly better salary, than doing a job I love for a little less. I think this ties into my thoughts on content creation and being authentic.

One of the benefits of the old house over the new and being able to renovate and repair over time is, it gives a chance for investments to mature and to use them to make a significant difference. If we bought a new place there would be very little we could do to change it that would really matter much, and therefore, very little we could do to add value to it. Buying new is like buying a stable coin - it should only fluctuate a little, unless it is SBD.

Buying the old is different however, as there is a lot more uncertainty in it from the get-go, and precious gems can become worthless and the seemingly worthless become valuable pearls. I am hoping that luck is on our side and we can find a pearl and turn it into a home that we love and, a home that someone else might love later. What I do not want to do is pay for someone else's renovations and sentiment, especially since from a taste perspective - I have some, Finns don't. :D

The other reason I would like an older house is that I like modern design, minimal design - and these houses give a lot of push back on that yet allow for a blend of styles. There is a lot of texture in these places, surfaces and patterns that do not align yet seem to work under the circumstances while still able to accommodate the sharpness of technology. It makes for an eclectic mix of design features that individually might not be considered able to stand together, but when combined, create a diverse set of components that belong.

One of the things that most people on Steem do not know about me is that I am quite interested in the design of things and have a pretty good imagination to see potential. When it comes to houses, I can see off the floor plan the flow of the space and can mentally create a walk-through very quickly. Once in a house, I am able to then layer my imagination over the surfaces in a kind of augmented reality.

I can do the same thing with clothing too, which is why I can shop for my wife and to date, there hasn't been one thing I have chosen that hasn't suited her. I am much better at doing this for women than men, but I think that is driven by interest and incentive :)

The more I think and write about the chance to not only design, but also get my hands dirty making, the more I want to get started on this. We have to sell our apartment before we can get the loan required to move, and that is going to take time, but hopefully it won't take that long that we will miss out. Of course, there will always be other options that come up, but will they be pearls?

Tomorrow we will get a chance to go inside both of these places and see if either are what we are really looking for or, have we built them up in our head and the tour will bring us back to reality. Eaither or, I enjoy the process.

[ a Steem original ]



That house in the field looks nice. Really spacious and definitely needs some renovation. Something to tinker. Do. Work on. Or is it a barn? Barn would be nice. This winter it would have not been that cold to live in so that would have been a good deal. :D But of course winter is soon over and the summer comes. With snow and eye piercing icicles coming down from the sky. At midsummer.

My neighbors are fighting again in the middle of the night and suddenly I too feel like I need some space and quiet around me. I just have to go to their door and say: "Look man, I think this is not working out for me. You have really strong lungs and all and that's great I guess, but that's a bit too much for me. It's not you, it's me... oh wait, it totally is you. You... you... crappy neighbors."

I also love to create stuff. Anything. Feels like I have to do that all the time or my soul dies. Or something like that. Or not as deep but like... I might not stay insane. You know? Of course you know.

I usually hate most freshly renovated old houses that someone else has made according to their taste. I think most renovators lack... whatcha call them... EYES! Yes. I hate only black and white and gray interior and only straight 90 degree corners. But I also dislike everything looks like some rainbow unicorn has puked out the walls and the floors.

Good luck with the house hunting!

Nah, the picture is out from near my sister-in-law's cottage/farmhouse. I definitely don't have the skills for that conversion :)

You... you... crappy neighbors."

Can you do it another 4 times at our place? Perhaps it can be a paid service :)

I think most renovators lack... whatcha call them... EYES!

Definitely. I think people are so influenced by their childhoods that they forget times change.

I would love to move in to an old factory building and renovate that. Unfortunately Tampere no longer has that many left and those that exist, are already in use or will be shortly.

I've heard that you have a nose for good business ideas so Imma start selling break up services for people who have crappy neighbors. What could go wrong?! Think I will need a knights helmet and body armor.

Let's see how this works...

I would love to move in to an old factory building and renovate that.

Me too, If I could have the whole factory ;D
tulitikkutehdas would be nice.

start selling break up services for people who have crappy neighbors.

Sounds like something that exists in New York

tulitikkutehdas would be nice.

Thought of that too at the time when I didn't know they already had plans for it. So stopped saving money for it. :D No point anymore. The loft apartments they are going to built there and sell... well if I don't get the whole building I wont be satisfied for a small portion.

Sounds like something that exists in New York

This is an awesome line to add to almost anywhere!

I am guessing that the apartments in that area are out of my price range, even if Steem goes to 10 dollars.

I'd imagine Tikkutehdas will have aprox same prices as in Tiporaitti now. A new building. Or perhaps slightly higher as it will be built to the old factory. 69 m² for 285 900 € currently in Tiporaitti. But if I would choose something, I wouldn't want to live in such a small apartment. At least 80 m² would be nice. So 84 m² is 465 700 € and that price is pretty much.

And one other thing too. The floor plan. As someone else has designed the layout, there usually are certain things that I don't like in most of the new apartments. These apartments seem to make no exception. I mean, what is the deal with small hallways where two people can't get their coats on the same time without a nose bleed? And long corridors with doors where the square meters are wasted? And do the two bedrooms I want always have to be side by side? Also you should always get to the balcony from the living room also or only from the living room. Not only from one of the bedrooms unless there are several balconies. I mean crazy!

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Sorry @abh12345 I keep forgetting to put this in the main comment :D

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Instinctively, you already know what you want. I lean toward the reno simply because I like sweat equity, for the most part. I actually had the house I live in now built, but, more as an investment as the job here in DC will end with a transfer to somewhere else probably soon. So, I needed something that will appreciate for this area. Here new is king. Unless it is centuries old and renovated. Outside of Washington, DC, it will be different.

I'm all for wide-open spaces and living in the freedom of my own little world I can create there. If that is the house, I would probably have to knock a few more windows in, I know about the heat loss, but, I need my Vitamin D! The big rectangular shape means generous spaces to lay out and I'm just a tad jealous that you get to have all that fun, should you purchase it. Easily a modern slant would work. How cool that you can settle it all in your mind on a walk-through.

In the States, buying/selling works a little differently. I can put money down on a house, contingent upon selling my house within a reasonable amount of time. They usually stipulate that the house needs to be sold within 30-60 days and the house you wanted is held in escrow until then. They realize it is impossible for many people to buy and sell in the same breath. Well, good luck tomorrow and I know that if it is meant to happen, you'll be walking out a happy man. And if not, there are plenty more where that came from.

Trust me on that one. Have a great night!


simply because I like sweat equity


If that is the house, I would probably have to knock a few more windows in, I know about the heat loss, but, I need my Vitamin D!

Nah, this is not the place. We aren't that in need of space! I didn't want to put the images of the actual homes here, since they aren't mine :)

We can put a conditional offer in also and that is what we will do, but it does come with risks as until it is done, they can sell to another bidder. :)

In the States, you can hold that sale for the amount of time agreed upon to sell your home. Usually 4-6 weeks to secure a contract. Any other bid will be in back o your until that time. Also, not every seller will agree to a contingency. It depends on each individual's situation.

And thank you for the engage tokens! Have a good day!


Sorry @abh12345 I keep forgetting to put this in the main comment :D

ditto ^

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House hunting totally takes all weekend. It was a relief to have kids old enough to leave home while we were doing it (though we'd often take youngest and bribe him with treats as he's that in-between age where we weren't comfortable leaving him multiple hours while we're an hour away with older siblings he liked to fight with). Glad you're at least enjoying the process, I hated it XD

Do you find the newer places soulless because you find minimalism bland (I know you said you like it) or because the house may not have existed long enough for people to have really carved life into it?

I don't know what the housing market and demand is like there, or what the people are like, but if they're anything like the people we were competing with for houses you might have better luck buying the ones that need work as there seem to be only certain types of people that will buy places that need work (people who like project houses and people who can see "potential"), "everyone else" just wants to move in and not waste time doing anything more than paint if that.

I'm old and crotchety and think that if something has meaning and value for you then that's all that matters. Unless it's taking away meaning/value from someone else in which case you need to think about that really hard XD

Good luck with the house hunting!

Glad you're at least enjoying the process, I hated it XD

I like the process of walking through homes and imagining... the rest - my wife can do - "me no speaka tha Finnish" ;D Smallsteps has been really good so far, I am not sure how long our luck will hold, but she seems to enjoy looking through the homes also - we include her in the conversations so I think she feels part of the decision making process.

Do you find the newer places soulless because you find minimalism bland (I know you said you like it) or because the house may not have existed long enough for people to have really carved life into it?

It is that they are generic and made for "everyone" so to speak. No highlights, nothing low either. Also, the rooms are pokey and there is far too little storage space. They trick people into thinking there is space, but there is not enough cupboard room to live with, so then you have to by additional cupboards that eat the space even further. Old houses have much larger rooms and can accommodate more. Our apartment is 80m2 and we have 7 metres+ of cupboards and a walk in wardrobe thingy at the entrance. It allows us to keep the place minimal without having to be monks. No new apartments can handle the same.

you might have better luck buying the ones that need work

It is becoming the same here. Finns used to be able to do a lot themselves an in comparison to oz, still can. However, they have very quickly fallen into the lifestyle of convenience.

I am looking forward to having the room to build some cool places for Smallsteps that she can play and swing on :)

Make sure you actually do it. When my kids were little we thought the big tree would be perfect to hang a swing from. J turned up his nose at buying a tyre swing from Bunnings or somewhere and insisted his dad would be able to put together an awesome tyre swing (they owned a tyre shop at the time).

It never happened XD

The lifestyle of convenience is super easy to fall into x_x

On the old houses thing, do they still have built in storage over there? My house has enormous rooms but we had to bring in all the storage options. In newer houses that have built-ins (or at least the ones in our budget) the rooms are tiny in comparison (which was a point of contention with the kids who were used to their comparatively massive rooms).

It never happened XD

This is what scares me about some of this stuff. I have ideas... do I have the follow through? :D

come on crypto...

On the old houses thing, do they still have built in storage over there?

Same story here for the new homes with built in (never enough, but no room to add) and the old often do not have built in, but do have the space to build into. We were looking at a place last night... it has room - but then we will have to do a massive amount of work on it too. :)


Sorry @abh12345 I keep forgetting to put this in the main comment :D

ditto ^

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We only live once - sometimes we have to go with our gut feeling and give ourselves the chance to do something we are passionate about. In the end I think passion and success have a extremely close correlation, and sometimes success does not have to be so difficult, if we just chose to follow our inner voice it’s attainable for everyone ! You should definitely trust your instinct, and with your background and different perspective, you will be able to find that pearl!

You were talking of industrial design the other day and it made me miss desigbibg and creating something physical. There is a lot to do whichever way we go, and I am hoping it will bring the space for some joy in the process.

Have a great week ahead.

You too buddy !

Look forward to seeing the inside of those other two. You seem passionate about taking something of Age and working with it. So do not rule that out

I think the budget is going to be the major factor in which kind of house we end up with. Everything is so expensive here and very high if it needs specialized workers.

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