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RE: Regrets of the returned and cost averaging experience

in OCD4 years ago (edited)

I am one of these returning users. When Bitcoin and Ethereum reached their peaks in early '18, I sold slowly and was completely out of crypto until now. I recently saw several buysignals in crypto and now I am starting to accumulate more. I don't regret having cashed it out, tried to make money otherwise, made some mistakes and lost some of the money I made during 2017.
I don't regret anything, as all of this was the right decision at that certain time, even when in hindsight some weren't. I couldn't agree more on your posting, that life is sometimes how we deal with the outcomes, how we spend our time and how we work onto our goals. It's a lifesetting that can be applied to all parts of our life. I love how you have nailed it down! Thank you for it.


I think that there are many people who benefited well from the peaks, but I also think there are many people who don't have much to show for it now. This process of course happens in many ways, not just with crypto. If I could go back and just get all the money I spent on clothes I never wore more than 5 times, I would probably have a bitcoin or two worth =)

Dealing with the outcomes and our life circumstances is perhaps one of the major things that define us. Some can't admit when they are wrong, some through fits and blame others. Very few suck it up and get on with the next chapter of the book.

Welcome back and hopefully we see some more of those 2017 and up highs :)


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