My Quarantine challenges: "Ikigai method, SWOT, Wheel of Life."

in OCD4 years ago (edited)

My Quarantine challenges.

There's a saying that time is gold, but it's not. Gold is gold and time is time, but it's the most valuable resource in the world and it's up to intelligent people to know how to use it.

I always complain about not having time, I feel that life goes by very fast, that the years go by and I do nothing. The goals that I have achieved in my life have been due to the obligation to keep a schedule and maintain a constancy.

My quarantine challenges is an initiative that @anomadsoul invites us to make the best use of this quarantine time, it is well known by all that the only way to achieve our dreams and turn them into reality is through goals, putting them on paper, setting objectives and dates.


Courtesy of Pixabay.

And all this for what? To reinvent ourselves and become the best version of ourselves, to be successful people who can live in coherence with their own goals and in harmony with those around them, people who leave a positive mark on the world and can serve their fellow man.

In this post I want to share with you, what I want to achieve in this quarantine and after it, I will set my goals and establish strategies that I can use as an example.

1.- Ikigai method.

  • This Japanese method allows you to wake up and discover your true passion in order to fulfill your vital purposes.

  • Ikigai means or refers to life and the realization of what one wants and desires. It is the meaning of life.



The Ikigai method consists of finding the balance between what you are doing and what you would like to do.


This is my Ikigai designed with the Spark Post.

To be happy we first need to find ourselves, understand what really motivates us and pursue it as our reason for being.

2.- SWOT method.

  • This method is very common used to analyze situations, companies, investigations, projects or people. It is an analysis of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats to assess a whole context.


Courtesy of Pixabay.

Internal situations (Strengths and Weaknesses) and (external situations ( Opportunities and Threats).


This is my SWOT designed with the Spark Post program.

3.- Wheel of life method.

  • and finally to know well where I am going I put in perspective the wheel of life.

We are integral beings and to be happy we must focus on all areas.

  • Spirituality: keep me growing with TAO.

  • Health: To possess physical, mental and spiritual balance, to exercise.

  • Family: keep in touch with loved ones.

  • Economy: Freelance work as a translator, book editor, blogger.

  • Studies: Verbalization of English, constant coaching, reading.

  • Friendships: cultivating real and online friendships.

  • Recreation: Getting to know new places, adventure activities, diving, skydiving.

I intend to continue to follow up on the goals set out here with the completion of an action plan, verifying objectives, resources, dates, etc.

What kind of person do I want to be after the pandemic?


To be a self-motivated person, constant and persevering, who seeks to improve every day, putting into practice all my knowledge to generate income and facilitate the lives of those around me, share what I have learned and form a family in harmony to enjoy my time with them.


To be a better person every day, to have a family united and strengthened in love, to continue learning from everything that motivates me, to be successful in my projects by achieving all personal aspirations, spiritual evolution, professional, economic, contributing to the welfare of others.

Thanks to @anomadsoul, @blocktrades, @ocdb, @ocd, @c0ff33a for their good ideas and sponsorship.

Thanks to you for your time to read me and get to know me better. God bless you and get to work.


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