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RE: The "communities" scam

in OCD5 years ago

Mostly true.
Try to use Steempeak instead fo the steemit website. It is easier to manage your communities.

Yes most Tribe tokens on Steem-engine are worthless. Remember Steem-engine is just a side-chain project and they can run away with the funds at any time.

However there are a few tokens that are trying to have a purpose. Some are investment tokens that earn you rewards and upvotes. Some like BATTLE are now being used in the RADAQUEST mini-game and you can win prizes.

DEC - still let's you buy Splinterlands cards.
SIM - let's you buy Steemcity cards and play

So yes 99% percent are worthless but a small few have a purpose and the community around them is growing that purpose. Also sending BEER to people in the comments is fun.

Basically the Steem-Engine used the delay of communities to line their pockets. But don't call of them SCAMs ! some of the people behind the communities are trying like SteemLEO but then you have STEEMACE that did Holybread and abandoned the community.

So like i said your mostly correct.


Basically the Steem-Engine used the delay of communities to line their pockets. But don't call of them SCAMs

I'm saying steemit's communities is the scam, not tribes, though!

Oh. 🤦‍♂️

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