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RE: Weekendy things

in OCD5 years ago

Sounds like a productive Friday XD

I did have plans that revolved around my project with some flexibility for any other social shenanigan that might crop up. Then I ended up with a couple of extra children and then a queen-sized bed (both teenagers needed new beds due to outgrowing their single beds) so tomorrow will be spent disassembling a loft bed, cleaning the room it was in and assembling the queen sized bed in there. And will probably have to go to the shops to get sheets and stuff for it yay. I hate shopping XD And I'm also temporarily losing a child tomorrow. And people told me things got easier when the kids got older XD


Beds. Beds? They shouldn't need beds...They should be out working!


Just kidding...(kinda)

I hope you have a good weekend of bed assembling and sheet shopping.

Probably easy and hard for them to get jobs at the moment, hard because two of them are restricted in what they can do (though I have signed a form for middle child so she can do more than paper routes and babysitting now) but also easier because it seems some places are more interested in hiring under-17s so they don't have to pay them minimum wage x_x

Yeah, it's probably harder also as many of the traditional employers of under-age people are automating and so don't need the same number of casuals. Macca's, supermarket chains etc.

Back in the good old days they would have been in the salt mines at 9 years old, the copper or coal mines. Lol...

Hope you're well and having a good weekend. My fingernail bamboo event is about to begin. I'm not pleased.

There wasn't much good about those days XD

The weekend is good, got an extra day of it today ^_^

Fingernail bamboo event? Wait what did I miss and why did my mind go straight to torture methods with zero hesitation or deviation? O_O

Hey rockstar...Torture?

My sister insisting she celebrate my impending 50th with me yesterday as she lives in Sydney and won't be here in Adelaide on the day. Celebrating my birthday is torture for me. Hate it.

Is that the bamboo fingernails thing you were talking about? XD Not quite the same but my sister likes to spend time with me by dragging me shopping (which she loves but I hate). Just let them do the little things that make them happy, it's not like it's going to detrimentally affect the rest of our lives XD

Happy impending half century XP

Shopping is like bamboo under the fingernails too. Hate it. :)

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