
Everyone’s learning😊

I think I’ll use the feature on days I don’t have a post planned to boost a Steemian who deserved more.

I came to exactly that conclusion today too - Too busy to post? Crosspost just one great post - get a little reward for yourself, enhance a community and support a fellow content curator. :)

Glad to know there are others with these thoughts :D


Thanks for the ENGAGE. :) There are days when I travel along the Burmese border and posting is a challenge - they're good days to do just one meaningful crosspost from my cell phone. :)

You make it sounds so trivial - I've heard people tell stories with the main topic being that scary trip over the Burmese boarder. But yes, I a good time to unearth a gem :)

LOL... my burmese border trips are several hours drive away from the nearest towns and with very dodgy internet. It's literally a matter of pulling the truck off the road on a clear mountain summit point when you have 10 mins of signal. LOL. Yes, I do it often. :)

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That's a great idea!!!!

Also... you are EXACTLY the kind of steem leader I would listen to re a crosspost.

aww :)

Well they will be few and far between but if I don't have a post planned I think it would be nice to hand my auto's over to a new account who's produced something I enjoyed, and hope others would too.

I guess a newer account might not be aware of tribes or communities and you could really sort them out with more visibility, finding them a home, and collecting up some tokens.

Exactly. I plan to do one crosspost from Nat Med account a week to support someone, and on a day we have no posts. And the extra 5 percent goes back to support of community anyway... I never power down.

Yeah I think community leader accounts would be wise to seek out content suitable for their community. It's a good way to cherry pick authors with ideal content for your tribe, and something to show those involved that this is the sort of stuff you want to see.

Never say never, but I like the long-term vision :)

Exactly... We have a responsibility there I think.

The difference between a resteem and a crosspost needs some explaining too. :)

I learned the hard way yesterday with my first crosspost taking all my daily votes... LOL.

Lots to learn. On the upside, I think it's forcing a level of FOCUS that will improve content overall. I am SO OVER sloppy dear-diary-hello-dear-steemians level posts that are just filling space. This move will sort the real content curators, and give the "I have nothing to say today" peeps a way of earning by crossposting high value authors.

Yeah I came a cropper with that too, it probably needs clearer explaining when you do it. But I still think its fun, and I hear you 're the dear diary... although many are interesting and fun too!

I m3an hear you RE the dear diary, bloody auto correct....

I didn't even realise it did this until I cross-posted last night. Then... BOOM, another post. If you have a trail or are autovoting people it is a bit of double dipping, but if you are manually curating then it shouldn't be an issue.

Yeah exactly. And my autovotes are set to just 1 in a 24 hr day anyway so your second wont get it anyway. It'll iron out.

@phoenixwren, the answer is no, which makes sense otherwise we wouldn't need to crosspost right? Du'oh. Sometimes you can't see for looking.

Unless it's your first couple of tags? Maybe that's the issue... hmmm

It is no... I tried the same experiment. It would fix the problem as it means that we need to pick and choose the communities at the moment... Which is leading to a bit of siloing and fragmentation in a not good way...

I am not liking it much at all.

I've been trying to figure out my approach to the hives. Which community to post in!? No wonder they came up with crossposting when some posts span more than one topic. There is the idea of resteeming to different communities, but then you get them all taking a cut and your earnings will take a hit.

For the time being I guess I'll try and pick the most pertinent community for the post and post there. It does mean that some communities might miss out a lot of the time, though. How often am I going to post in South Australia if the topic is specific, like it most often is.

Well, Nat Med WILL still curate the TAG as well as the community as I totally get that problem. I'm doing same.. posting in pertinent community, or none if I can't decide. @eco-alex, given most people have this dilemma, tis probably unwise to curate solely from community... in response to our conversation about this yesterday. It's tough for people to make those decisions especially when a few communities might fit well.

I agree that it's looking a bit messy now on what used to be STEEMIT. Now it's all over the place with so many frontends, and now so many communities, and hives, I don't know where to post at all. So I'm just doing the same as usual and trying to use better tags with the name of each community in them. Not sure if that will work though, if anyone has any advice. Will check out the links you mentioned. We will have to see what manifests from it. Will probably get used to it with practice.

Yeah, new habits can be a bit disarming. You are doing exactly as you should do.. good content, thoughtful tags. Thats perfect so don't feel you HAVE to do anything.

I agree, and it's far too confusing for someone with a very poor memory. I have not even figured out what communities are, and if there are regulations to posting to them....

@goldenoakfarm, you dont need to. There is a homesteaders one.. you could just post in that and that's all you would need. Or just do what you do and that's fine. I hate the idea of you feeling disadvantaged.

I think it is t very sad state of affairs, to have to repost to the block chain old content, in order to squeeze a little bit more out of it. It's the system's fault, of course. But instead of giving an actual solution that won't encourage questionable practices, they give us exactly the tools to NOT do what is proper...

I guess that's life too right.. human beings have ALL the tools to do what isn't RIGHT. But somehow we self regulate. There will always be greedy bastards. But, as we dont have an archive system, then I think this is a valid way of bringing old content to light. As readers, therefore, we need to decide whether it is worth putting our vote on it or not.

Unless you're someone who spends all day on steem and able to decipher what's going on, I think these community things are pretty unclear and confusing. I think even those who do spend all day on steem can't figure it out fully so for a casual user (like me) who comes and goes whenever, there's no chance!

The learning curve is pretty vertical for new users but hoping over time that things become easier...

I agree, but I also think its half the fun. The thing is, you dont HAVE to post in communities. Just stick to tags. People have to know Steem is an EXPERIMENT... let's roll with it and our feedback and the devs will shape it accordingly. Some big changes, yes, but better than stagnancy right?

I'm not against changes and a shake up is exactly what this place needed, both with Justin's acquisition and new features. I'm sticking with the tags I already use such as the creativecoin and sonicgroove ones as they are mostly related to my content.

Travelfeed is probably going to be my go to front end going forward as my feed is now clogged with double dipped re-posting/cross-sharing whatever you want to call it!

Oh, I think it will settle down. I just scroll on past like the shit posts haha. I didn't mean to imply you weren't up for change... sorry if it came across that way! I totally think sticking to your niches is better than community slutting... I think you are definitely on the right wicket there for sure. In the end its same same but different.. Tribe tags are still just as valid.

Haha, community slutting! I like that one!

I'll not be voting on people who cross post their own posts.

I made that mistake yesterday and realised only too late what it meant. I've since handed out the steem to other users, publicly, and learned a lesson. I see a lot of scope for abuse in cross posting and confusion in the blog/post scenario.

Yeah totally. Me too. I did it once before really realising the implications, but you gotta test these things right?

I think once is forgivable, obviously because I did it. Any more than once though? Hmm, probably going to get the wrong sort of attention. I've seen a few being addressed already.

Ah, the cat herders do a great job... out with den whips!

Nothing like cracking the whip every now and then.

So we use community tags now instead so it shows in certain communities? Oh my. Using Steemit is becoming more complicated.

Yes, if you want. If you do you’ll have to Resteem your own post for it to appear in your feed.

This is so sad. It would be better if things are like before where all posts on any community automatically shows up on Steemit. Now I'd have to login on various dapps just to see posts from certain communities? It's terrible. 😢😢😢

I think you are confusing tribes with communities :)

Hive-xxxxx is a community tag - use this for your fave community but also use tribe tags and Resteem to your own feed. It’s a brave new world out there 😊

Yes the changes are confusing. It's making everything complicated. Is there any community list showing hive-and whatever numbers? There are all sorts of hive numbers and it's just not fun to have to sort through which is numbered which...

I did see the community list with words/proper names on it though and chosen to subscribe to some... that's it.

Yes the numbers are not ideal, but it ensures you find the right community in case you are not posting on from within that particular community.

I find Steempeak better as they show the names over numbers. It IS pretty confusing but change always is. I wouldn't worry.. no one NEEDS to post to a community. One or two is good enough, we can't be everywhere right? I hear your frustration... I think Steempeak makes it more clear though. Stop by and ask if you need help xx

But it's just a different kind of Steemit. Basically all the rest are just better versions with different features. I dunno. Maybe I'll just stick with what I use and don't bother with the changes...

I think thats sound - you won't miss much!

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