A Sublimely Beautiful Sunday!!!

in OCD5 years ago

I thought the reflections were worth a bit of a chill to quickly capture them! The lake a mirror image of the sky!


A Sublimely Beautiful Sunday!!!


We had a good amount of ice from a storm that passed through. I always dread that because the chance for losing power is so high. Of course losing power is horrible, especially for one so addicted to the internet and computers!


The Beautiful Sunday and Sublime Sunday tags are some of my faves! I want to thank @ace108 for running the beautiful Sunday tag every week and keeping such detailed stats and supporting the accounts. Also, a shout out to @c0ff33a for the sublime Sunday tag where your random Sunday posts are always welcome!

This brand with the Cajun seasoning is really good.


Well just look at them, so so yummy!


Now you need to dump in a fair sized stick of butter to fry these up right! Butter is quite a lot like money, it is hard to have too much :)


I usually add two tablespoons to the skillet to add in that extra umppf!


Peel and cut up an apple and add it to the skillet for an additional hit of sweet flavor. These are Honey Crisp apples which are not much more than regular, but so sweet.. Oh yes!


A nice fresh hunk of bread from a French loaf is mandatory!


The orange color is from the kicker sauce, Sriracha sauce. We want a bit of zing to it :)


Screenshot (1).png

I am fooling around with DaVinci Resolve 16. It is pretty slick so far, but I am so used to Vegas, I am not sure how long it will take me to feel I am as equally as fast on one or the other.

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Sausage-Apple Sammy! With Zatarains? I really expected to see that paired up with a little Jambalaya!!

I never used it for anything but that. I just need to expand my horizons! Or make you try Jambalaya! :)


Yes please! Ben and I have been wanting to try it. If you have a good recipe, I would love to give it a try! Many thanks!

@tipu curate

Nice to see you using butter, not margarine. And yes, honey crisps are the only apple!

So you make a sausage/apple sammy?

Um sort of. All the ingredients, but I dont stack them. I do like to get a bite of both apple and sausage at the same time tho :) I just eat the bread cave man style

That looks really yummy, @old-guy-photos. Sriracha sauce adds such a great kick! I really need to take pictures when I cook. I've been making some great dishes lately!

Would have been nicer if there's more blue in the sky.
Hungry for dinner looking at the sausage deal here.
Almost went with DaVinci Resolve but I decided to use Openshot. Quite happy so far.

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@dswigle wrote lately about: Unwreathing A Beautiful Sunday Feel free to follow @dswigle if you like it :)

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Amazing reflections on the lake, your zingy sausage looks very tasty!

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