How to Kick ass with Minotaur Warrior - Splinterlands

in OCD4 years ago

In my quest to take back my rightful position in the Splinterlands as the one true warrior and holder of the keys to the gate of DEC, I've conquered many battles I've seen great names fall by my Summoners, I've seen monster blood spill like water sprinkler, I've been very mean, but this is just the beginning....

Hi guy's, I've been mixing my posts with a pinch of fiction/fan action these days, lol, I think I like it, what do you think? This weeks challenge was to win a battle using the Minotaur Warrior, this dude! Looks badass yes? It's presently worth 0.5$ on the Splinterlands market, it is a common Earth monster, I like it for its reach ability.

Imagine you're going for a war, this will be the soldier that takes the lead, except that this one looks a little bit over dressed with all em bling bling.

Minotaur Warrior.png

Anyway you know I always have bomb replays to show you whenever I have a bomb battle, which is almost like everytime, due to this, I have to dish you the bombest of the bombs. So enjoy


The interesting thing about this particular gameplay is that it first seemed like I was loosing the game, my Minotor warrior was kind of inactive, till I lost my favorite goblin and the tank healer, I really thought I had lost it till the game turned around and started giving the opponent some real quick ass wooping... Minotor suddenly sprung in to action and teamed with Flesh Golem, it was bliss watching them go on.


Watch replay here


When using the Earth Splinter, my favorite starter is always the Flesh golem, ugly ass dude, but very strong and deadly, funny thing was that at the very beginning of this game, I didn't see this card being this useful, so I gave out a lot and sold the remaining for DEC, yes I messed up I know, that's why you shouldn't mess up too. At level one the Flesh golem can't do much, but at level 5, its gangsta!

  • Melee damage of 3
  • Mana of 6
  • 10 Life
  • Ability to self heal
    You should see it at level 10 where is also has void. Badass!!!!!

I chose to use it as the first soldier cause of its self heal ability and it also contains quite surplus amount of life. Then it has a melee damage of 3 which is fair assault advantage.

Next monster behind the Flesh golem was the Wood Nymph, for me, using this card is like adding salt to my rice, I can't miss it, I see her as goodluck, she heals the card in her front and she usually does pretty well when combined with the Flesh golem. Then the magic attack also always comes in handy., however using this card in this particular game didnt turn out too well for me, watch and see why I said so.

Next monster on the line was the Fire goblin, I like that card because it has a low mana of 3, and snipes the enemy with magic attack, very handy if you'd ask me, all you have to do is hide it in a nice position and watch it dish out its magic fireballs, its only caveat is the 2life which is rather small. But if you use it right, you'd be glad you did.

The last monster on the line was the MVP, Minotour warrior, equipped with 1 shield, 4 life, 2 melee damage and the ability to reach with mana of 4. Not bad. There was one time I used this card and it didn't even leave its position till I was beaten flat out, I was so angry, I swore never to use it again, but I got to understand it the more I used it. To see how it played out, be sure to click the replay.

Quick Tip

To enjoy using the Minotaur warrior, try fixing its position at the middle or behind so that it can have the chance to reach out at the enemy monsters. Starting a battle with the Minotaur as the first soldier only undermines and limits its capability.

I like the fact that not every gameplay is predictable, the suspense can be thrilling and I like the thrill!

Splinterlands is a tradeable card game built on blockchain technology, If you'd like to join me in having this awesome gaming experience, here's my referral link

Don't forget that if you don't have a steem account or haven't bought any cards, you can still play for fun by registering with your Email address. This will grant you access to a lite account. The real deal is when you buy your cards and build your deck, because only then will you have the access to the juicy parts of the game.

If you're game, I'm always up for a challenge. Hit me up and get your ass whooped.

Battle till you drop!!!! See ya.




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