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RE: Some "great" features that almost nobody has told you yet about Hivemind/Communities.

in OCD4 years ago

I'm not sure if I'm getting resistant to change in my advancing years, but this change has lowered my interest in content or even attempting to discover it. Combine that with the Tron debacle, it's time to take a step back IMO.


Yup! that seems to be the general feeling around here lately. And it's enough just observing nothing else than the acute decline of comments, engagement and interaction within people's content to know you are not alone on this significant resistance to change syndrome. It certainly is not exclusive of seniors, veterans or getting older to have a sense of low interest in what once upon a time was an easy flowing and natural activity to invest time, brain & efforts enjoying the ride.

But like everything in life, one always ends up adapting to changes and bullfighting the new circumstances. At the end of the day, we know we have only two choices. Or we go out of the bullring on a stretcher after a long ride hooked on the bull's horns or we end up with his two ears and his tail in hand as the only trophy and first prize.

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