How teaching kids in an art workshop is fun

in OCD5 years ago


One of the kids painting using watercolor. They are tasked to paint anything they want using the different watercolor techniques that were taught earlier.

I know, I know. I have said before I don't like teaching that much because I'm shy but teaching in art workshops is fine and I enjoy it.

A few weeks ago, @spintwister was told by a client they wanted her to teach in an art workshop. Students are a combination of five kids and two adults, all at the same time. She was kind enough to invite me as her teaching assistant since she's definitely gonna need one. lol

The kids and adults have different lesson plans so they are separated even though it all happens in one room and in one same session.

@spintwister prepared all the lesson plans and she's the one who explained them all and my job is to make sure the kids are listening and doing the tasks. XD Then also assist the adults if they have questions with the tasks given to them.

How teaching kids are fun

Yeah yeah, it's common knowledge that teaching kid is fun in general, but I'll list down the things I love with teaching them.

There's always that one kid who sings

Yeah, there's this one kid there who sings random stuff. She even sang the national anthem a few times. LOL, I guess cos they were taught to memorize it and she just wants to sing it. Then one time she started singing "Subtraction cat" and next thing we know all the kids are singing it. :D

They may have a lot of questions but they aren't complicated

One of the things that I like is when they only ask simple questions and are easy to answer. Something like "Are we gonna color now?" or "Where's my pencil?". Unlike adults, they always ask the "Whys" which personally makes it quite hard to explain, well, sometimes.

There are also times where explaining to adults is easier because we are used to using words and we have to convert the word it so the kids would understand. Like, you can't tell the kids to "Hold the pencil like this so you'll be able to control the pressure of your hand when doing one-stroke shading" ... I did that once and I realized I was talking to a kid, so pretty sure the kid was like whuuut????

There's always that kid who draws extra

Kids stand out in different ways. They have their own personality because they don't have the anxiety to be socially accepted, I guess.

So, there's this one kid in class who will always add something more even though the instruction is to just draw a circle or a line. Like, she will add a duck, or fairy wings, to her drawings. She has her own ways and she wants to be creative on her own.

I would say that's a healthy thing for a student so as much as possible I try to let her draw but with limitations cos they are in a workshop, after all, so they still have to follow instructions somehow.

I do hope that creativity will continue to flow til adulthood though.

They will say random things

...and they are honest.

One kid there said "I like your shirt!" in the first session. Next week, she complimented @spintwister's makeup. Other kids also say honestly if they are bored or if they want to paint on canvas immediately, etc etc. Kids don't know how to lie and that's true.

Free snacks

Kids want to get what they want and if they are hungry, they won't care much if they are in class and will eat during the session (if they are allowed). In our case, we allow them as long as they enjoy the session.

During the giving of snacks, we are given free snacks as well. Not all get that, but in our case we do and we are thankful for it. :D

Their level of energy is contagious

Kids are always excited in a workshop because it's something they specifically enroll in (unless their parents just forced them). Their excitement with everything is always fun and seeing that excites us as well.

They might be hard to teach sometimes but overall they are fun. You could even joke with them and they'll just laugh. Fun fun. :D

We still have 3 sessions to complete and we're looking forward to the next one!


Damn I didn't know you teach as well!
Very impressive! <3
I bet teaching children is something else. :)

I don't do it regularly atm but I just had experience before haha. Yeah they are really different with teaching adults, fun but sometimes tiresome lol

Yeah I know! Specially if they are cranky and they are forced to come to the class by parents.
Those are monstrous fire spitting dragons! 🤣🤣🤣

It looks that you had a lot of fun and i am sure @spintwister is a great teacher:) I did a lot of collage workshops with adults but none with kids, i was always afraid to have them near cutters and scissors. Once i participated in a watercolour workshop with kids but in the assistant position, just like you and it was so fun. Their imagination has no limits and as you said the cannot lie, if they are bored you know it in a second,lol

Hmmm before I remembered i was handling primarary school and kinder garten i let them used scissors and bbq stick for some art project we’re going to do. they already really good on using it , but my full attention to look after them is still in there. They also need to learn it anyway, i know im a bad ass teacher . But thank you stranger Im still trying my best to be a better art teacher. 😊

Really? and bbq sticks? I dont know, i would be very afraid to have the kids handle them. If a kid got hurt the parent will make a bbq out of me,lol.
You are welcome stranger, trying to be better is more important than being the best:)

Haha she is! She got a lot of experience with teaching so it's the best she leads the workshop :D Yeah lol you would even be surprised by the things they could draw like you can ask yourself damn where did my imagination go haha. Didn't know you do collage workshops as well:O

Yes there is nothing like the imagination of kids, so active:) I used to make a lot of collage workshops in the past, it was a great experience and i even improved my own art in this way,lol.

How good!!! I recently met the talent of @spintwister and wow that surprised me, it is really amazing to see his art and that class for those children and adults should be a beautiful experience, especially for children who are so tender and full of innocence, it is nice to spend time with them besides fun... I am a mother so I know how amazing it is to share with children and that you can also learn from them. <3 <3 <3

It is good that she invited her as an assistant and you could be part of the experience, I would love to know more about what happens and the occurrence of these tender children in the following sessions... I will be watching. ;)


Yaah. Oh I didn't know you're a mother! That's cool :D Yeahh I'm grateful as well cos it will add to my experience and yeah we will be posting what happens next! ^^

Yes of course... proudly mother, it's something very nice. <3 <3 <3

How good!!! I hope to be available when that happens to see how they did in the following sessions. ;)

Its nice to teach them and see them happy, specially when they are also happy everytime they finish there artworks and see the result. Thank you. Yes we will post more soon.

Best regards to your kiddo too ❤️

If it's okay, I imagine it and the faces full of pride of parents when they see the works created by their children is something unique, how beautiful is childhood... I want to be a child again lol

Thank you!!!

Greetings and good night. ;)


Thank you very much!!! <3 <3 <3

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Sometime theyre annoying haahahah but seeing them happy in our artworkshop, I felt flattered and happy. 🥴🥴🥴 thank you for accepting my offer theres many more to come

Hahah yeah! They are annoying sometimes especially when they don't listen. To more workshops :D

OMG yes ! teaching children are always fun. Once, I taught fingerpainting and color combination, the kids were enthusiastic and amazed. It was a wholesome experience. And there's always that one kid who is talented even the color was very limited since it was only RGB and the combination from it.

LOL! Yeah there's always that one kid who's so talented and doesn't need much supervision.

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