Any given Saturday

in OCD4 years ago

Today was a typical Saturday morning for me...Up early, check steem, get dressed and go to the gun range...With a stop for breakfast and that all important coffee on the way of course. Nothing unusual...Until I got the the range...

Today a couple of high-ranking officials, executives of the club, were there doing some qualification shooting...They were terrible by the way.

My club and gun range is military-based and run meaning that the executive are military people, officers, and it's run in a very military manner in general. We don't often see these two, actively-serving military officers at the club though, thankfully...But when we do...Well, it's never enjoyable.

They order people around, butt-in on conversations expecting others to simply listen to them and generally impose on everyone and everything and every single thing they say is right despite that not actually being the case. No different to what they probably do in the Army. Everything is about them and we all need to march to the beat of their drum when they are around...Yeah right bozo's, I'm not one of your soldiers, no one at the club is, so pull your heads in.

You should see them shoot too...One can't help but laugh...And we do. One of them has such an idiotic grip on the handgun it's amazing he hits anything at all...He cups the right hand, holding the gun, in the palm of the left, sort of like all those wankers on TV shows. IT's called cupping. Admittedly it has been taught in some militaries as the correct way in the past, but it is not the correct way. Still, I shouldn't expect anything different from an officer.

So there they were, jumping the queue, pushing their weight around and generally being obnoxious...And there we all were, sniggering behind their backs, getting a good belly-laugh out of their amateurish shooting-style and general poor shooting...But true to form, they shot and left reasonably quickly, which is what the queue jumping is all about. See ya sir, don't shoot yourself in the foot when you're cleaning that sidearm.

I was just playing around at the range today, talking shit with the rest of the guys and girls, and had to collect my 3rd place medal that a mate accepted on my behalf at the IPSC State Titles a couple weeks ago. I didn't go there to win medals, it's not my thing; I'm always more interested in shooting at my best, beating my last personal-result (which I did) and I'm pleased to have come away thinking it had been a lot of fun. Sure, I got a little medal but I don't really think of the competitive nature of it. I'll throw it in with the other ones and probably never look at it again.

I'm home now, after a burger, onion rings and a coke with a couple of the guys and girls from the range and just had a chat with Faith about going to see the movie Midway tonight. She's keen, I'm keen and so we'll deploy around 1730 for some chow and the movie. I've been eagerly awaiting this one and on the back of the movie 1917 which I loved, I'm excited to see Midway. The trailer is below if you haven't heard of this movie...

Sunday we'll be saddling up our trusty white steed Landcruiser for a Sunday drive dirt-road-day in the Adelaide hills. I'm not sure where we're heading but am looking forward to some wide open spaces, tunes and Faith riding shotgun next to me. I'm sure we'll find some tracks to hit as well...And lunch.

So, that's about it for this given Saturday. It's been legit so far and it's really only half over. What are you guys doing this weekend?

Tomorrow isn't promised - Design and create your ideal life, don't live it by default
An original post written by a human
Discord: galenkp#9209 🇦🇺


Man. I can imagine the stress of having idiots with too much ego at the range. I'd be dipping into the next door coffee stand until they left.

Or get range safety officer status. Range officer should and does supercede any person at the range. And the RSOs I know wouldn't have any shenanigans to happen. I've seen them get deadly serious and it's something that I was glad I wasn't involved in. But epic to watch.

Maybe a friend can text you when these shenanigans happen?

And congrats on the trinket. Sounds like reward for practice. I'm headed to martial arts class myself and maybe work a advanced certificate out of it. Finally training for acknowledgement is different. But to play you gotta learn the dance!

Posted via | The City of Neoxian

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Yeah, they're a couple of ass-hats to be honest, but we tolerate them I suppose. It's a bit of a laugh to watch them shoot too. Lol.

They always obey the RO's (range officers) as they would get jumped on if they did not...

Thanks for leaving a comment and enjoy your martial arts class. :)


What's this flag...

Why is this account flagging free speach...


I have no idea mate. Seems like that user, and his gaggle of knuckle-shucklers have nothing better to do than tear steam down.

Yeah I went to his discord. He didn't want to talk about it and censored it all.

Typical behaviour.

Man shame.the normal old school.people.cant fix this situation...

Posted via | The City of Neoxian

I know...I guess it up to all of us to keep doing good things and eventually these undesirable elements will disappear.

Happy wekend my friend
Is holding a weapon a routine activity on your weekends?
It must be fun like playing a war movie

I am a sporting shooter and so most weekends I am at the gun range practicing and competing.

Challenging sport.
Keep the spirit alive, my friend

I'll be sure to do so.

Should like a magic Saturday to me. I hate those types in general but I can only imagine the military ones to be so much worse!

Yeah, they're...Interesting to put in nicely. They are high-ranking so I think it's just difficult for them to relate to the plebs. Bloody hell, you should see them shoot though. Laughable.

Was a legit Saturday. Just got home from the movies with Faith, saw Midway. Cool movie. We had a nice dinner and a beer and a nice night in general.

One day down, one left...Bring on Sunday!

P.s. I'll bet ya a beer this comment gets downvoted by the neighbourhood odd-ball creepy-ass knuckle-shuckler.

Take the bet, it's a good one. I'll owe ya a beer.

I'll take the bet!! I always like a free beer!

Should good though. I keep forgetting that you are at the end of your day when mine is just at the beginning!!

Let's see if you get a free beer then. But don't worry, if I ran into you I'd be happy to buy you a beer a couple coldies.

Wayhay, right back atcha!!

I hadn’t heard of Midway, and I am fairly up-to-date with knowing upcoming movie titles even if I don’t see them all. Something to look forward to I guess.

I loved it and would suggest it's worth seeing. I may do a post on it next week.

Excellent. Thank you. I'll take a look.

I've had some similar experiences, and it is always fun to just listen to the idiots ramble on. ..... and then setup a target next to them. I especially love it at indoor ranges where I can wait for them to motor their target back to look, and then motor mine back right after them. All it takes is a brief glance, and then love to watch them shutup and slink away. Some of the best fun there is.

The perfect way to deal with it! These fellas were impervious to their pathetic shooting results though...Ego's are too big. Still, we got a laugh so we should thank them. You should have seem the grip on that handgun by one of those guys...Had me in tears almost.

Ha! that's too funny about the officers there. How was the movie? Oh, if you talked about it in a post I'll read it soon.

The movie was great, I'll do a post sometime when I find the time.

Yes, those boys were a bit funny, although it's also annoying that they act like that. The club is military-based and there's many ex-servicemen there all of whom look at these two with derision. There's no need for them to act like that and yet they do. We put up with it and are thankful that they aren't there much. This is only the second time I have seen either of them there.

It's kind of disturbing that officers would be that jerky and that arrogant. Just totally opposite of what you want in a leader. Especially a military leader!

Yes, and that's why they have the reputation they do mostly. There's good ones and bad. These are fairly high-ranking and one would expect better. Maybe they are different at work? (Probably not).

They're probably worse at work!

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