Giving without expectation

in OCD5 years ago

I arrived home today to find a brown parcel that had arrived in the mail. I noticed it was from the United States immediately and, as I'm waiting for a parcel containing my custom-made knife from @freedompoint, I dropped everything and picked it up...Nope, too light to be my knife. Ok, so now I was curious.

A quick glance at the senders address, Florida, gave me some insight although I wasn't expecting a parcel so I remained somewhat mystified. I opened it up though and...It didn't go boom, or spray sarin gas in my face. I was off to a good start.

It wasn't long before I realised the package was from @krazzytrucker and that it contained some cool little bits and pieces: Florida fridge magnet and shark keychain, some Jackson Galaxy catnip-filled lizards for the cats a die-cast Freightliner truck (probably not the actual truck krazzy drives) and some Trump money. (I won't be spending that...Went straight into the safe with my silver and gold.) So...Cool huh? A nice little unexpected surprise to return home to.

Just to provide some backstory...About six or eight months ago I decided to offer steem users a chance to receive a jar of Vegemite from Australia; All they had to do was ask for it.

I ended up sending five: Two to the USA and one each to Romania, the UK and Germany. I also sent some other bits and pieces in the packages as well.

I did it for something different, to have some fun I guess, and engage a little. Each person thanked me, wrote a post and that was that...Until today.

This parcel took me by surprise, but not simply because it arrived, more because a person I don't know any other way but here on steem, took the time to collect up some stuff and spend the money to send it to me...Just because he felt like it. He thought about it too, meaning that he knows I have cats and that they would like the catnip toys. Here you can see Cleo feeling a little dubious about the situation however she warmed to those little lizards before long and has been tossing them here and there all night.

I don't know guys...A small gesture like this, one that took no more than 30 minutes to put together, is pretty cool right? Who doesn't like getting surprise gifts after all?

But it's not really about that is it? It's about respect, friendship and a sense of community; Of giving without expectation and the simple joy of doing something nice for someone just for the pure enjoyment of it. I'm pretty humbled I guess. Sure, the items are small things, simple things, but the thought behind the gift brings greater meaning to them. Don't you think?

So @krazzytrukker, on behalf of Merlin and Cleo we'd like to thank you for being a smooth mofo and for being a quality guy.

Tomorrow isn't promised - _Design and create your ideal life, don't live it by default, and give without expectation
An original post written by a human
Discord: galenkp#9209 🇦🇺


That’s Steele, I love it! The community here is incredible, it’s what kept me here. The learning curve was damn steep but the community was worth it, I almost gave up.

Great huh? There's so many good people here and given the chance they shine. So many idiots too, but that's the same in real life. Besides, I'm sure there's many people out there who think I'm one of the idiots. So, live and let live. Glad you decided to stick around; It can be difficult at times, granted, but when it's good it's good.

Bout killed me to keep quiet, not ruining the surprise part.

And You still have the knife to look forward to. Win / Win

I just wish We could do something for those Aussies ravaged by the bush fires.

Respect to You and Yours. Keep up the good writings.

My current situation..... Blocked in a dock. Grrrr.... lwnrcflvyq.jpg

Yeah I reckon you would have fit to burst? You did well though and it was a nice gesture. Thanks a lot for doing so. The cats like the lizards. Cleo brought one to bed and when I saw her this morning had her chin resting on it. Was funny.

You're a good lad krazzy!

Hope you managed to get offloaded and on your way quickly. Have a good one, and keep the shiny side up.

The cat's look is priceless. Looking at the lizard like it was some sort of alien 🙄.

Haha, yeah I know...She's a great little personality but is a bit sketchy when it comes to new things...She's jumping around like a mad cat right now throwing the lizards around. She loves them.

Cat doesn't look like it knows what to do🤣 Very nice to receive that unexpected parcel.

Posted using Partiko Android

It was a nice gesture I think...From a quality guy.

You actually sent vegemite to people's houses. That's probably worse than sarin gas. 😂

It did cause a few noses to wrinkle.... Lmao

I did, and no one died that I'm aware of...🤣

So glad you enjoyed the "trinkets". Hope the kits have a fun time playing with their lizards 😉🦎🦎

It was a cool little gift to receive and we were really humbled by the gesture. Merlin and Cleo love the lizards. When I woke up this morning I saw that Cleo had slept with one beneath her chin. Lol. Must have brought it to bed with her.

The Steem community is amazing like that. I recall receiving an awesome gift from @johndoer123 & @evans-adventures. It was a partial casting of an anthill mounted on a piece of pine and added some shells collected from the Mississippi river. It was totally unexpected and sits proudly on the shelf above my recliner in my living room.

Agreed...I had hoped my Vegemite giveaway might inspire others and as it turns out krazzytrukker was! It was a cool thing to do. I am contemplating doing it with one of my Lego builds. We'll see.

That @krazzytrukker guy sounds like a nice Floridan. A lot nicer than me, who hasn't returned the Vegemite favor in the least ;) Trump money? I have never seen it before. Clearly I am out of touch with modern times. If I find the American equivalent of Vegemite, I'll let you know. I don't think it exists though. We just aren't that cool.

He's a good sort...A reciprocal gesture is certainly not required and not why I did the great Vegemite giveaway of 2019 in the first place...I did it for fun, and gained what I set out to...Engagement and a bit of fun.

I hope you're well ya nutbag! I just emailed you actually. :)

I'd be surprised if something as awesome as Vegemite existed Stateside. 😁

Another bit of evidence that Steemians are a special breed of awesome humans!

Yes, so many are!

Ha! That is too cool sir galenkp, love this kind of thing and we see it all the time. Speaks for the strength and sincerity of the community.

I agree...Giving without expectation is one of the most rewarding things, as is showing gratitude for things received. It speaks highly of the individuals concerned. There should be more of it.

Yes indeed, selfless giving. The world should do more of it. Actually the world should try it sometime. lol.

Yep, I hear you...Not a lot of selfless giving out there...It all has an agenda generally, a means to an end, even if that is simply an accolade or recognition.

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