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RE: Weekendy things

in OCD5 years ago

My weekend is going to be me laying around and rotting, mostly because I have a UTI and have been pissing blood the past 2 days and feeling like a lego brick is inside of my dick whenever I have to take a piss.

So, I guess I'll be going after the passion of my wiener feeling like it's been possessed by the Black Plague this weekend, babbbyyyy.


Sounds like a legit weekend...Pissing Lego blocks. (Not)

Hope the UTI gets better and your cock doesn't fall off.

Hang tough bro.


I mean, a positive is that the one medicine the doctor gave me tonight has turned my urine bright orange. So, now I look like I've been drinking nothing but a mixture of tang and oompa loompa cum. Good stuff.

A good cocktail you got there...I heard they've started serving that at the local pub.

P.s. I used to love Tang. Lol.

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