Gradually Formulating The ColorlessPaper For Our Side-Project 'CryptoUlogs'. Part 17!

in Ulogs4 years ago

Read part one, part twopart threepart four, part five, part 6, part 7, part 8, part nine, part 10, part 11, part 12, part 13, part 14, part 15 and part 16.

How Will Generate Revenue To Sustain Growth?

As we have established, in growing our user-based, our primary focus will be on 'gathering a core of humans', who go on becoming 'true fans', then moving together.

To have more impact in accomplishing this and sustain our growth, we will need to generate revenue. Our pre-sale funds will be used especially to develop our products and begin our growth-process. We will need to be able to generate revenue to sustain our growth. How do we accomplish that?

We don't want to rely exclusively on the value of our 'ULOG' tokens. Ultimately, we will only have a few of these tokens on hand, some of it 'powered-up' to contribute to directing affairs across '' . At the very least, we need to have other outlets to generating revenue. Primarily, we are looking do so via a monthly-subscription that accepts fiat as payment or 'the ULOG token' at a discount. We will accept this payment monthly from 'certified uloggers' as part of their verification-proccess. However, it is important to note, that we will keep this fee at an affordable amount of '1 USD'. While 'certified uloggers' pay '1 USD' monthly, our sole goal is to grow our grey-list of 'certified uloggers'. Note that not every certified ulogger will have to pay the monthly-subscription. However, every 'certified ulogger' will need to put effort in maintaining their 'certified' status. There are many perks attached, such as 'exclusive UI-tools, extra influence, teardrops etc.

Yes, some users can maintain their 'certified' status by maintaining a certain stake-size per month. Say users need to maintain a stake of '100 ULOG' to be 'certified' by default and at the beginning of the new month, they have a stake of 99 ULOG, they will need to power-up some more ULOG tokens to re-attain their default 'certified' status or complete the monthly verification-process that others complete, paying the monthly-subscription of '1 USD', to become 'certified' again for a month.

We may explore other ways to generate revenue such as an 'internal peer-to-peer AD system', working with external projects and as applicable, we may decide to show 'conventional ADs' across ', in a none intrusive manner as a way of generating revenue.

Much of our revenue will go towards developing each project emanating from the Teardrops ecosystem and very importantly, setting up physical. We always want to have physical ventures backing our online ventures.

Note also that our physical ventures will eventually generate their own revenue. This will be distributed back towards our ecosystem. Via our hubs, we will offer consultancy, create media, create viral YouTube channels, teach brother-programming, start a school called ''Legitimate illiteracy" etc, all of which will generate revenue to sustain the hubs and our ecosystem at large.

We want to create an ecosystem on '' that succeeds whether 'bulls or bears'. Hence, we will explore outlets that allow us to generate revenue 'also in FIAT' and especially, why we will maintain physical-ventures to back our online-ventures.

Our primary focus on '' is 'real human growth'. This why are maintaining 'a grey-list of 'certified uloggers', that 'everyone' can join. So, is it possible for certain users to become a 'certified ulogger' without having paid a 'monthly-subscription' fee? The answer is yes.

First of all, we intend to keep the 'monthly-subscription' fee within a range of '1 USD' (whether paid in FIAT or ULOG), to be affordable for everyone. Note also, that 'the monthly-subscription' is only part of the verification-process. This suddenly means that a user may have their '1 USD' yet not be able to complete the process of getting 'certified'. This said, a user who wants to get 'certified' can still get certified without money. Especially, on a 'cryptoccurency-based' platform, we want to be backed by 'certified uloggers' who are reputable and who stay reputable. 'Certified uloggers' thus, will have to maintain their 'certified' status constantly.

How about 'non-certified uloggers'? Where do they stand? They are very important part of our ecosystem. Yes, becoming a 'certified ulogger' is not compulsory. Uloggers across '' can enjoy ulogging as normal, earning regards and interacting with ' as normal. However, when ever they are ready to avail of extra UI-perks across uloggers

In general, 'certified uloggers' should know what 'ulogs' represent. They should know how to ulog too. These we can create a movement that inculcates 'the art of ulogging' more effectively, across ''.

Certified uloggers will have access to exclusive chats, updates etc that empowers them. In these chats, we will move together, sharing resources, even financial resources. They will also form the core of all our projects, having a starting stake in the Teardrops token, when that goes life.

From this group too, we want to select our core team. Where established 'certified uloggers' want to build their own 'ulog-based projects, we will use our resources to help. now with the ULOGS token and even in the future with the TEARDROPS token.

Our scarce model is our 'grey-list of certified uloggers'. On '', our 'grey-list' will have a soft-CAP of '100,000 certified uloggers'. As usch, we will have an initial supply & token-emission rate of '100,000 ULOGS' respectively. We hope that each 'certified ulogger' can hold '1 ULOG' at least.

Special Note: We will work with external crypto-projects, allowing them create their ulog-based communities on ''. They may be able to pay FIAT, in ULOG (at a discount) or by burning or staking ULOG. We can also offer these projects DEFI-tools, like 'teardrops-tools, trust-scores etc' as a service.


Would you like to help with building Cryptoulogs? Are you a programmer? Contact me via '[email protected]'.

Your Boy Terry


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