Gradually Formulating The ColorlessPaper For Our Side-Project 'CryptoUlogs'. Part Eight!

in Ulogs4 years ago

Read part one, part twopart threepart four, part five, part 6 and part 7.

Provisional - ULOG Reward-Distribution Model

We want to explore a reward-distribution model that explores the following characteristics:

  • Modeled around 'mining the human'.
  • Rewards 'breakthrough in human'.
  • Rewards human virtues e.g self-scarifice, mentality, forgiveness etc, rewards even past deeds.
  • Has a mentality-adjusting potency.
  • Can evolve dynamically.
  • Is social.
  • Has a suspense element.
  • Empowers and celebrates humans, returns value to humans.
  • Can reward every(any)one
  • Doesn't focus much on governance.
  • Has DEFI attributes.
  • Incites a loyalty factor.
  • Succeed whether bulls or bears.
  • It isn't be statically stake-based.

We have established so far that '' will build on the Hive blockchain. This also means that the ULOG token is 'Hive-based'.

The Hive blockchain has the social features that a platform like '' needs e.g likes, replies, zero transaction-fees, stake-delegation, reputation-score, 3-seconds transaction-speed etc. It also has a native community, made up of thousands of users. This means that we will always have a user-base.

The Hive blockchain also has a native 'reward-distribution mechanism' (called 'proof of brain') fit for social media, one based on 'likes (upvotes), which distributes rewards among 'authors and curators'. This is something that '' needs!

Now, while the content-base for the Hive blockchain is 'blogs', the content-base for '' is 'ulogs. Thus, we are modeling our 'reward-distribution' mechanism around 'proof of tears', seeking to reward other facets of humans assessible in 'ulogs', besides 'just brain'.

Ultimately, '' will have a 'daily reward-pool' (token-emission) that users can distribute via upvotes, on the basis of their 'influence' (staked-size). However, this time, they will be rewarding an activity that 'mines the human' called 'ulogging', specifically 'cryptoulogging'.

As we have reiterated earlier, only 50% of reward pool is allocated to rewarding 'content'. Users can also earn rewards daily, simply by 'staking' (powering up), with 40% of the daily reward pool allocated to 'staking rewards'. Users can also earn the ULOG token randomly. This portion of the rewards will come from the daily portion of 'staking-rewards' that was unclaimed. In any case, on '', irrespective of how 'rewards' are earned, users must have 'mined their human' (i.e 'proof of tears'). For instance, to claim 'daily staking-rewards', users will need to post a simple 'cryptoulog' to fulfill their claim.

Our token can reward 'past deeds' too! While much of the distribution in this respect, can be carried out consciously (manually) by 'our team' or 'certified uloggers' via upvotes, it can happen in automated fashion and randomly. How so? Users who decline their daily staking-rewards, have their rewards distributed randomly among active 'certified uloggers'.

This suspenseful atmosphere has 'mentality-adjusting' potency. Realizing that their 'past deeds' can be rewarded, users can begin to adopt a culture of ulogging, whether bulls or bears. They can also be inculcated with the fact, 'curation' doesn't have to be promised. Eventually, they can begin to ulog for the conscious purpose of 'mining their human', where the primary reward is 'real human growth' (breakthrough in human).

Now, we return to celebrate the resulting 'breakthrough in human', with a digital currency called 'ULOG' and to a grander extent with 'TEARDROPS' in the future.

World adjustment!

To conclude, let's reiterate once again, that '' will build 'a grey-list of certified uloggers'. From among these ones, we want to emanate 'generation-fixers'. Thus, we will direct our 'reward-distribution' focus, primarily towards these ones, empowering them in the process. Alas, everyone can get 'certified'!

As such, we can evolve a 'scarce model' that centers around humans, rather than 'bulls or bears'.

Would you like to help with building Cryptoulogs? Are you a programmer? Contact me via '[email protected]'.

Your Boy Terry


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