in Writing & Reviews3 years ago


Hello steemians,

Today I'm going to share everyone a story which I heard from someone, I forgot whom it was and I liked the story very much so I'm going to share it here. I'm not a good story teller so please bear with me and if you don't like it I'm okay with it.


It was a moonless night. A man returned to his cramped home from the work. He left the bag of food he brought from the motel in his messy looking kitchen and went to take a shower. After taking the shower he started eating his food. The house was so silent, he could hear himself chewing the food. He was exhausted so he went to his bed right after he finished eating. Eventhough he was exhausted he couldn't sleep that night, random thoughts running through his mind didn't let him to sleep. The life he living was boring and hard to him and he wanted to change it. After a while he fell asleep while he sailed through his random thoughts. Suddenly he felt like someone was calling him for help. So he got up from his bed and looked through the window ,to check whether someone in the street was there asking for help. But the street was empty. He thought that he might have heard it in his dream and returned back to his bed.

But after five minutes he again heard someone saying "help!". But this time he was sure that it wasn't a dream and also noted that it came from his bedroom. Again the voice said "look here". He asked in a fearful manner"Who are you and where are you?". The voice replied "look at the corner of your ceiling". When he looked there he found a wasp struck in the spider web and it was just few centimetres away from the spider. On looking there he asked "were you the one who asked for the help?". It replied yes and said that it would give him a boon if he saved it's life. At first he hesitated to believe it but after thinking about its ability to speak,He believed it's words and Without thinking twice he killed that spider and tried to free that wasp from the web. But instead of giving him a boon ,the wasp just strung him. He was confused and waited for it give him a boon. After waiting for sometime he concluded that the wasp cheated him and went back to his bed.

On lying on his bed he recalled what happened that night and suddenly a thought appeared in his head , so he ran towards his phone and browsed about that wasp. On searching about it he found that it was a special type of wasp that prey on the spider. Then he understood that it was the spider that asked for his help and promised to give him a boon and not the Wasp. He spent his night with restlessness in guilt of losing his chance to change his life.

Thanks for reading my post and it may not be told in a very good way, I tried my best to keep you entertained.


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