
Indeed, what people are doing about it matters. However, doing ineffective or counterproductive things does not achieve liberty. You said we need to play the political game in order to fight against the political system's centralizing and corrupting trend. I asked how that has been effective or productive. You called names. Hmmm.

I am doing things. You are not. You are simply telling me to die. You are telling me to do nothing. I am promoting actions that work.

I specifically questioned the efficacy of political action. Instead of offering a rational argument, you resorted to insults. I am not telling you to die, I am asking you to reconsider one of your chosen courses of action to see whether it is a good use of your time and energy, or if it might even be counterproductive. You said you wanted to make government smaller and more local. First, is this rwalistic, and second, will it produce greater liberty? You brought it up. Defe d your position. If all you can do is build strawman arguments and spew insults, maybe that should tell you something about your position.

As it stands, we have some 24 decades of US dederal and state government growth, consistent and frequent vilatuons ognthe constitutions alleged to restrain them, rampant police state abuse, an uneducated electorate devoted to economic and political falsehoods, and a system of entrenched corporate and government bureaucracy devoted to political plunder and its justification.

We need to undermine this system. It can't be cured by participating in it. Democracy isn't inherently virtuous. Cancer can't be cured with cancer.

You said that we need to "Undermine this system" and I do not disagree and I never said that we should not and cannot undermine this system and I am trying to describe the path towards doing that same thing which you wrote there, I am on that same path, that same page, but the process is gradual in the attempt at getting more and more people onboard to take action and to be educated and to be interested. Keep in mind that everything is cancer. Now, communists disagree. Socialists believe that you can get rid of the cancer that you mentioned. But the cancer is in the heart of men.

And you enjoy lying. So, you are Bernie Sanders. You make up stuff. I tell people to buy canned foods. I tell people to get solar panels. I tell people thousands of different things for many years. I talk about it. Thousands of articles. Thousands of videos. I share ideas. I network. I am always talking. Get water filters. Take Vitamin C. Call people up and tell them what they need to know.

I haven't lied. I haven't advocated anything resembling Bernie Sanders' politics. What do you think I made up?

By all means, continue advocating prepping. That is an effective course of action to promote liberty. But how do you know the ideas you sharevare sou d when your only rebuttal to dissent is a stream of invective? This is like arguing with a socialist whose only response to disagreement is to accuse someone of being a Nazi.

If you're not going in a clear direction, then I might assume you are Bernie. A Nazi does not allow for discussion. A tyrant does not have conversation. They shut you up. They don't listen. Like YouTube videos with disabled comment sections. Raising awareness is one of the first steps in making the world a better place.

I questioned the clarity of your direction, and you flipped out. I have offered conversation, and you respond with inanity and insult. I am trying to raise awareness that the political process allowed by the system is never going to be a threat to the system.

I don't want to mute you from this group, so could you please after all this time in the thread actually support your initial claim to be making government smaller and more local, and tell us why that is a viable strategy?

Again, we have the writings of Lysander Spooner demolishing the concept of Constitutional authority and governmental representation. We also have public choice economic theory deconstructing the motivations and perverse incentives of bureaucrats, politicians, and voters. We also have numerous psychological studies on the corrupting effects of power. Government is not a solution regardless of its scale based on these and numerous other factors.

But instead of addressing anything I have raised, you called names. Instead of asking what avenues I proposed as alternatives, you accused me of supporting Bernie Sanders. That is absurd. It is not civil discourse. It is not rational debate. It is not cool.

Trump is trying to make government smaller. Alex Jones is helping. Other patriots are helping. Brexit is helping. The protest in many countries around the world are helping. People are doing many different things to help. You can join us if you want. You can be part of history if you want.

Trump is not making government smaller, he is making it more pervasive with his walls, immigration controls, trade intervention, bump stock ban, etc. He hasn't ended Bush and Obama's wars. He hasn't ended the NSA wiretapping program. The swamp remains undrained. Aside from his halfhearted re-rigging of the tax system, what evidence can you show?

Alex Jones has always been an odd duck. On the one hand, he introduced a lot of people to good ideas. On the other hand, he has peppered those good ideas with half-truths. I listened to Alex Jones regularly back in about 2007-2010, but I grew frustrated over time with his bluster and fearmongering being presented as an illusion of news.

My experience of the "patriot movement" is one of rabid nationalism, not principled liberty.

Brexit may be a step in the right direction, and the EU is an abomination of bureaucratic control freaks, but I am not convinced it will not be used as a way to consolidate more abuse of power in London.

I am also doing many different things to help, but I don't want to join people who are choosing misguided means. We are all part of history, but will it be for better, or for worse? We must choose wisely. And the fact remains that the political means is an unwise choice.

I see you haven't read No Treason or A Letter to Grover Cleveland based on your replies thus far. We aren't on the same philosophical wavelength, obviously. Want solutions?Try this on for size, if you dare.

Are you for Open Borders? I'm reading a book called The Killing of Uncle Sam. I like Lisa Haven. I've never heard of rabid nationalism but I probably align with it. I like nationalism in general. Yes, Brexit is a step in the right direction. But it partly comes down to certain choices Boris Johnson makes, say for example. Boris may have said things and done things that might not be helping England in the best ways possible. But I feel that Boris is trying to do right thing. At least, I want to believe that Boris is not a globalist. I just don't know how good Boris is. I like what Prager does.

The letter to Grover mentions laws. It is true that government makes too many laws. They're passing too many bills. I would try to halt the passing of all new bills. Actually, the orange man has been trying to reduce regulations. Who said that voting is secret, private? I hate taxes, the IRS. No Treason mentions the constitution and I love the constitution or at least the first ten bill of rights. In the Field Manual PDF, it mentions how bad government can be and I agree.

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