Achievement 6 @yoora1234 : understanding curation community

in Newcomers' Community11 months ago

Know i understand how to vote and curation work; you can vote more than 10 times per day by upvote or downvote to the new users, and when you reach 500 steem power you can see a slider vote to use it. The rewards device by 2, 50% goes to the author and 50% goes to the curator. If i vote a post before 5 min marks after voting i will receive less than 100% .
I can vote for 30 steem witnesses and i will vote for the contents that im interested in.
I will join communities like Gems because i like see different topics and project hope because I am interesting to crypto.

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STEEM 0.23
TRX 0.12
JST 0.029
BTC 66228.07
ETH 3559.90
USDT 1.00
SBD 3.01