Achievement_6_Task_by_@weasell: Understanding_Curation_and_Community

in Newcomers' Community3 years ago (edited)
Hey guys, today task is about achievement 6 which is understanding curation and community. This is one of the most important aspect on steemit platform. It provides basic knowledge on how steemit user get rewarded. I will be answering some questions about curation and community base on my understanding below:

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Q1. Do you understand how voting and curation work in steemit?

Voting is the way steemit user appreciate the hard worker a blogger has put in, creating an informative post by upvoting the post and if otherwise downvote. I believe on steemit is a special reward a user get for completing a given task correctly.

All our achievement post is been curated by @steemcurator03 after it been check by a greeter fairy. After 7days the reward is divided into two equal halves (50%-50%). The Author of the post gets on half and the curator get the other half. The reward is always in Steem Dollar (SD), Steem Power (SP), and TRX form, and the current value of steem may affect the price received.

Q2. What happened if you vote a post before 5 minutes marks after posting?

The following are format a post is been rewarded after been upvote within the following minutes:

  • Within the first minute of posting, the curator get 20%, and the remaining 80% goes to the price pool.

  • Within the second minute of posting, the curator get 40%, and 60% goes to the price pool.

  • Within the third minute of posting, the curator get 60%, and 40% goes to the price pool.

  • Within the fourth minute of posting, the curator get 80%, and 20% goes to the price pool.

  • Now, within the fifth minute of posting, all reward goes to the curator which is 100%.

Q3. Who will you vote for Steem Witness? and Why?

I will vote for @successgr.with, @steemchiller and @xpilar.witness The reason is because they have supported some of my post which has help in boosting my reputation.

Q4. Which community will you join in Steemit, and why?

Steemit communities are very important for both new and old users. It where you can learn, question and share your opinion on things you passionate about. Newcomer community is the ideal place to go and read all pinned post for anyone that just signed up on steemit.

I joined gaming soul community because of my love for video games, and environmental club because I am always curious about my surrounding and how to preserve it. And lastly I joined steemcryptoAcademy because it the best community to learn more about the crypto currency world and even though I haven't reach the minimum requirement to participate, I usually read professors assignment post to get an insight on what it all about.

Thanks for reading and have a wonderful holiday.
Cc. @Xkool24, @fombae, @dilchamo, @ashkhan.


Hi @weasell

Congratulations, your achievement 6 is verified.

You can continue with the achievement compilation. Remember to use the #taskcompilation and #(your country) tags, and post from Newcomers' Community.

I invite you to join the Steemit Crypto Academy Read here to know more

I invite you to be part of the # club5050, where we must power up an amount equal to or greater than the withdrawn Steem.

I invite you to follow @steemitblog so that you are aware of the latest updates.

Rate 3

 3 years ago 

Thanks ma'am steemit crypto academy is the target working towards joining the community.

 3 years ago 

@reddileep please curate 🙏

 3 years ago 

Hi, @weasell,

Your post has been supported by @reddileep from the Steem Greeter Team.

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