Achievement 3 by @tunes01 | Content Etiquette

in Newcomers' Community3 years ago (edited)


Happy new week steemians. I am very delighted to be here once again. Below is my achievement3 task:



Plagiarism is the use of another person’s ideas, works, pictures and thoughts as one’s own.
Plagiarism is an offense and therefore punishable by law. Plagiarism can also be referred to as theft.
In academics, issues of plagiarism can result to penalties such as suspension or explosion of the student or students.


1. Complete plagiarism;

This the most severe form of plagiarism. Complete plagiarism occurs when a researcher copies someone else’s manuscript and submit it under his or her own.
It is equivalent to stealing.

2. Sourced-based Plagarism;

This occurs when an individual uses a source that does not exist or incorrect. Plagiarism also occurs when a researcher uses a secondary source of information but only cites the primary source.

3. Direct plagiarism ;

This occurs when an author copies the work of another author without the use of quotation marks or attribution.

4. Auto plagiarism;

This is also known as self plagiarism. It occurs when a researcher reuses relevant portion of his previous works without attribution.

5. Paraphrasing plagiarism;

This was published by Wiley. It involves the use of someone’s writing with some changes in the sentences and using it as one’s own idea.


Plagiarism can be avoided through the following methods below;
• Paraphrase your context; Do not copy and paste but rather, restate the idea in your own words.
• Use quotations; Use quotes to indicate that text was taken from another paper.
• Cite your sources; Words or ideas that does not belong to you should be cited
• Maintain records of the sources you refer to; Use multiple references for the background information survey.
• Use Plagarism checkers to see how much of your work is plagiarized.


How to cite a source

The link to where the content came from is required. If the sources used were many, it is recommended to put the sources after each separate idea.
Every copy and pasted sentence should be in quotes (“”)
All paraphrased ideas or sentences should have a reference close to it.

Example of citation

Strawberry is one of my favorite fruits, it is usually reddish in color. “The garden strawberry is a widely grown hybrid species of the genus Fragaria, collectively known as the strawberries which are cultivated worldwide for their fruits.”source. Strawberries are very rich in antioxidants and plants compounds, which may have benefits for health an blood sugar control.source

The sentence below is an original content because it contains the researcher’s idea only.

Strawberry is one of my favorite fruits, it is usually reddish in color.

The next sentence was copied and pasted from a source and such, it is expressed in quotation marks.(“”)

”The garden strawberry is a widely grown hybrid species of the genus Fragaria, collectively known as the strawberries which are cultivated worldwide for their fruits.”source.

The last sentence is paraphrased from a different source.

Strawberries are very rich in antioxidants and plants compounds, which may have benefits for health an blood sugar control.source

In conclusion, plagiarism is an offense and it is punishable by law. Therefore, it is of great importance that we try our best to avoid it.

“I have read and understood the steemit etiquette on steemit community and I will do my best to embrace them”.

Special mention; @bright-obias @ngoenyi @sumit71428

Thanks for reading through my achievement3 post.

 3 years ago 

Hi @tunes01 ,


You have been successfully verified by amjadsharif, you can further proceed to next Achievement Task

Rate: 2

 3 years ago 

Thank you

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