"Achievement 4 by @titi7 Task : Applying Markdowns"

in Newcomers' Community3 years ago (edited)


Hello guys I'm here again to share with you my fourth achievement which is about Markdown application. Markdowns are very important since they make works readable, presentable and beautiful. With very important guidelines from @cryptokannon, below are highlights of how to use steemit markdowns.


Headlines and sub-headlines are very important since they are the focal points of a passage , article or any piece of work. It can be a heading or introductions in a work. Headlines can be applied in steemit in two way

(a) by inserting a hashtag ( # )sign or symbol at the beginning of the row Note: after the hashtags (#) give space and then continue with your headline. As the number of # increases the headline size decreases .

Examples are highlighted below

Headline 1

Headline 2

Headline 3

Headline 4

Headline 5
Headline 6

(b) By adding equal sign (=) at the bottom or beneath then word or sentence.
Note: This appears the same as in headline 1.

OR by adding dashes (----) beneath the word or sentence. This will also appear the same as in headline 2.

Line Break

Moving to next line in passages , articles or any piece of writing to enable easy reading and presentable work is very important, And here in steemit one can do it by using
to break a line or move to a next line.


Drawing a table or constructing a table is very useful in our works here on steemit. Example is , when distinguishing between things or in a more simpler way; for comparison . Below is how a simple table is construed here on steemit

  • by using " Header 1 | Header 2" as your header and beneath it you then add.
    "--------- | ----------" and then add your cells under it as in "cell1 | Cell 2" bellow is a picture of how it is done.



Header 1Header 2
Cell 1Cell 2

More headers and cells can be obtained my increasing number of headers and cells to your satisfaction.

Quotes - Blockquotes

Quotes are very important in our works since it's use to represent a saying of an individual . It is also using in citation when repeating the exact words or sentence of an author. Quoting can be done here on steemit using blockquote by adding the greater than sign (>) and the putting the words of the author in quotes sign ( " " )

An outputted example is shown below
And the man said ;

"Get out of here".


Links are mostly used here on steemit in our every day works or activities. Mostly when mentioning a username by adding at sing (@) in front of the users name or during citations.To make a hidden link, which is mostly used when citing a source, one needs to indicate the source by putting the word "source "in to this
[ ] Which will now be clickable and then the link into the normal brackets ().
Bellow are outputted examples

Making a text bold and italics

Making texts bold and italics are very important. Since they can sometimes use as focal points in texts. Below are how they are done

  • Bold
    This is done by adding double or two asterisk (**) before and after the selected text without spacing the asterisk symptoms and the selected text.

My name is titi7 and the output will be my name is titi7

  • Italics
    The italic is used by adding a single asterisk symptom(*) before and after the selected text or texts, word or sentence.
    My name is titi7

Bold italics
This is done by add three asterisk symptoms (***) before and after the selected text or texts.

My name is titi7


Hello @titi7, you have been verified for this tasks and can thus proceed to the next. Thanks for you submission and have a nice time


 3 years ago 


 3 years ago 

Hi, @titi7,

Your post has been supported by @nattybongo from the Steem Greeter Team.

 3 years ago 

Thanks very much 🙏

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