Achievement 5 Task 1 by @steem-cup : Review of

Assalamu'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatu selaku ini masih suasan lebaran saya mengucapkan.
"Selamat Hari Raya Idul Fitri mohon maaf lahir batin"
Taqabbalallaahu minnaa wa minkum
First i would like to thanks @cryptokannon because after reading this post by @cryptokannon on
,I got understand about the system. In the following i will discuss about everything.

My Review Of
is well organized and user friendly site. This site was developed by @steemchiller. This interface looks so easy so you no need any experience for used this site. I have been using for 1 week. It is great site to monitor every records in your account such as every transactions, activities, upvotes, mentions, etc . I have used this site both my laptop and my Phone. By using this now i can easily manage my own account. Now i will explain more about this site and try to fulfill my Achievement 5 task 1 ..

First you need to access in this site Then on the top right site you see a login option. click here and login this site using your steemit username and your posting key.


This option gives a general details about my vote amounts, my steem power, my followers , my reputations and you can also count how many votes you get and so on.

Here i can see about my account values. I can know my balance, reward balance etc. Here also has an option transfer . i can used this option to transfer in either steem or sbp to other users or to exchanges.

Account Details
Here i can see my profile id ,user name and keys. i an change my password if i want and here also a recovery account option also can reset account if i want.

Though i have no delegates yet .However It refers to both outgoing and incoming delegates. Delegates means you Share sp to others. To delegate your sp You need to click delegate option and you see this interface. Then write the account name where you want to delegate and put the amount then click ok button.


Sometimes others can tagged me in their post or comments. i can easily able to see who tagged me .

Here i can know details about my followers and i can find my followers in the search box easily.

In this option I can buy or sell steem in the orderbook. Here also an option are conversation and withdraw. Since i am new here so i haven't used it yet.

Markets Info
Here i know about crypto pairs and their different buy and sell rates. Here i also know about internal and external prices of SBD and Steem.

Account Operations
First Account Operations it It gives full details on my operations on a daily basis. It's provide my activities in steemit.

Reward Summary
I can also know my Reward Summary from this. Here i can see my reward last 30 days and 7 days. The below screenshot is my Reward summary. My total SBD 3.28 for 7 days and 260.60 for 30day


Post option show me about my post. which post is active i can see easily from this option.

Coming Reward
The coming reward option i can see that how much reward i will get . Here are two option Author Reward and Curation reward.
Author Reward means how many SBD and Steem Power i will get from my post

And Curation rewards meaning i will get reward from voting and comments.

Beneficiary Rewards is not available for me. I can not access here. Here the screenshot.




Terima kasih atas informasinya bang @heriadi.
Kita perlu memberikan edukasi kepada pendatang baru ini tentang betapa bencinya kita terhadap plagiarisme. Sehingga hal-hal seperti ini tidak akan terulang kembali di masa yang akan datang.

Mohon maaf sebelum nya karna saya telah melakukan plagiat . Jadi post tingan ini harus saya apakan apa harus saya ubah atau bagai mana mohon masukan nya

You have been verified for this task and you may proceed to the next achievement task at your convenience.
Note: Well done.

Curators Rate: 1

Please continue to read and prepare from @cryptokannon Achievement tasks resources

@sarkodieeric1 this user not yet been verified on his Achievement 1. Please check that they already being verified on the previous achievement tasks before verifying their latest achievements' task. cc @heriadi


Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.18
TRX 0.14
JST 0.030
BTC 58478.70
ETH 3158.37
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.43