Achievement4 Applying Mark down By @sohailahmad54700// 20/11/2021

in Newcomers' Community3 years ago (edited)


First of all, I would like to thank Mr. @reddileep
Which fully confirmed my third achievement.
And at the same time I thank the whole team from the bottom of my heart that the whole team is doing their job in a very good and efficient way. I thank them all very much.
And I sincerely thank @Newcomers community.

And I sincerely thanks @inspiracion
I am going to tell you about my success. I had to implement 4 markdown۔


Success 4: Mark Down Absolute ::::

I am going to describe all my abilities in this post about Achievement 4 and according to the writing instructions. I will try to explain to you in simple and easy words.
I am going to talk in detail below to make this post nice and smooth with these marks.
I will mention these aspects of markdown style in this post.

Headlines .


Table ..


Break lines.


Captions are the most important part of your text that reflects the central theme of your text.
These headlines get the attention of wandering kidneys. I often use some headlines to the best of my knowledge, there are different headlines that can only be made using
"#" Before the text you want to headline.
Here are some examples::


As the number of # increases, so does its size.
Thus increasing the number of # increases its structure and its size.

This way the size can be reduced or increased۔

Heading 1

Heading 2

Heading 3

Heading 4

Heading 5

Heading 6

This way you can create headlines and post your fees in the best possible way

As you can see in the picture, you can make the headlines smaller and larger

  • or =

text link:::::::::

It is very important and necessary to use the link in your post. It shows who the link belongs to and we know about his post, so it is very important and necessary to put a link in your post.
Below you can see a link to the end of this image that is included in my post
For example when we put our name or a person's name on the estimate like my name is sohailahmad54700.


Example the way my link

Table method

The method of setting the table is very simple and very good. To set the table we need Column which is very helpful in setting the table because I find it very easy to set the table and it is not so difficult for me to set the table. I can show you in the picture below how to set the table.




Other information

CommunityNewcomers community

line break:''''''':::
Sometimes we need extra line spacing between texts that we can use.
We use it "
" =>. You can do this by doing. And with that we can add an extra line.

That way sometimes you can use the extra line۔

Thank you all for taking the time to read my post۔


@Newcomers' community

Spical Thanks


Best regard


 3 years ago 

You have prepared a very good post. You have worked very hard to prepare this post. I really enjoyed reading your post.
You have described everything in a very short and concise manner۔

 3 years ago 


Hi @sohailahmad54700

Your publication is empty, you have only repeated the codes.

What is expected is that you make a publication of a free theme and apply these codes.

You can edit this post and add the content using 5 markdown codes.

When you have done it, notify us by replying to this message.

 3 years ago 


Hello, I have re-stated my post in the best way and I have tried to describe it in the best way. I request you to re-read my post and verify my post. I have 5 marks agin used۔

Please kindly verified my achievement4


Okay, but what is asked is that you write a free theme and apply the markdown. Like this: Logo4- Consigna: Aplicado Formatos | Receta: 🍫🍪🍪 Galletas de chocolate.

 3 years ago 


 3 years ago 

OK thank you for the information I did as you said you can re-read my post this is my post link...

Achievement4 Task Applying Mark down by @sohailahmad54700//

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