My introduction/achievement first post

in Newcomers' Community3 years ago (edited)

Aslam o Alaikum. My name is Sherazsultan and this is my introductory post. I will introduce my self in this post but before that, have a look on my verification picture.

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My introduction

I am 18 year old who love to spent time in useful activities. I have total 6 members in my family. I lived in Saudi Arab but a few year ago, we shifted in Pakistan. Since then, i am here with my family.

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My ICS exams are over and now i am free to learn something new. I am currently working with my brother in law. He has his own business of import and export. I am very fond of traveling. I have visited the northern areas for number of times and still have the same excitement for all those places.

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I was just doing job for getting experience but last month, my father's store got looted and he had great lose. Now i decided to earn something for me along with study and other activities.

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Dreams, Likes, Dislikes

Now let's talk about my hobbies. I love traveling as i mentioned above. I want to explore different places and ambitious to have my own business to earn huge. I want to do something big which will have a great reward in return. After completing my study, i will start my own business inshallah. If we talk about my dislikes, i hate wasting time. I do not like the over-confident people. I also dislike those who do not accept their mistakes. In food, i do not like chines dishes.

I am a good reader and writer in my class. I am free now so want to earn through blogging. I searched for online blogging platforms and social media websites and explored steemit. First time i read about it on facebook. I also searched some other social media platforms but preferred steemit because here the reward is high and quick. I want to earn through this platform. I am very happy to join this platform. This was my small introduction. Thank you so much for reading this.



Hi @sherazsultan, welcome to the steemit family. I am pleased to have you join us here. For verification please add an image to your profile.

 3 years ago 

Hy @sherazsultan firstly I'll WELCOME you wholeheartedly on this beautiful platform of STEEMIT.
Here you will earn by producing some good quality content but keep in mind it should be your own I mean original content.
Secondly I invite you To complete your all Achivements tasks in Newcomers community given by @cryptokannon.
These all tasks will enable you to know much about Steemit and you will get good experience of publishing quality content hence chances of getting reward will be increased.
Moreover you will also learn that what is content etiquette and how to avoid from plagiarism,and also how to attract Authors on your Posts by applying Markdown.
In Short you will learn each and every rules and regulations of beautiful STEEMIT Platform.

At last I'll also suggest you some good communities where you can publish your content.Although there are many good Communities which you can join on the base of your interest,it depends upon you that in which kind of community you are interested but here I'll list some Communities and still if you find any problem in finding community do mention me surely I'll guide you.

 3 years ago 

Welcome to steemit @sherazsultan! This is a platform where you can write, interact with people and be part of different initiatives, projects and contests. To get a better understanding of how the platform works, it is recommended that new users take part in the newcomers' community achievement program. I will leave you a link in which you can review the teaching material for each achievement and the requirements needed to complete it.

Lists of Achievement Tasks, Resources & Materials : Newcomers Resources

If you are interested in cryptocurrency topics, you can join the Crypto academy and start with the introductory courses they are offering:

The Beginners Level Introductory Courses

You can opt for the 30 SP delegation program for newcomers.

Please post a profile picture so that they can verify you as soon as possible.

If you need help, just let me know and I will do my best to clear your doubts.

Have a great day!

#affable #venezuela

 3 years ago 

I uploaded my profile pic. What next?

Congratulations !
You have successfully completed achievement 1 on "Verification Through Introduction". Your next task is to complete
Achievement 2 : Basic Security on Steem .

Ratings : 2

 3 years ago (edited)

Thank you so much bhai. I will post achievement 2 now.

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