Achievement 6 task by @shahidchoudary : Understanding curation and Community 💱🔘

in Newcomers' Community3 years ago

Hello everyone i hope you all are fine . As you may have fetched i am going to post my Achievement 6 task given by @cryptokannon . I have already learnt a lot from previous achievements for example how the curation system works and how to to use different tools to perform different tasks using steam and many other websites so I am quite confident while writing this achievement task.

How Curation works on steemit ?


When you see any post on steemit you see two template arrows One direction is down and other is up and when you click on the arrow of the upper direction you cast an upvote and it turns green just like i upvote the post in the screenshot and it turned green and this is how curation starts.

  • The strength of your upvote depends on the the SP that you have your steem wallet ,the more steem power you have the more influence your vote would have. So if you want to to increase the the influence of your vote you have to to get more SP in your wallet. you can earn SP by getting rewards on post or directly by winning contests and you can also power up your liquid steam into steam power that is often encouraged by steem ecosystem.

  • Having SP lower than 500 you can cast vote directly hundred percent but when you have more than 500 SP you can adjust the percentage of your report while voting. When you want on a post your voting power decreases and it automatically fills up again within 24 hours and you can check your remaining voting power using the sites like or etc.

  • The curation what is the reward that the curator gets when he of votes a post and if he upvote at the moment of the posting the hundred percent reward remains in the pool but as the time passes this is what happens

In one minute curator Reward is 20 % and in pool is 80% and in 2 minutes the curator Reward is 40% and in pool is 60% and in 3 minutes Curator Reward is 60% and in pool is 40% and Ultimately at 5 minutes the curator Reward becomes 100% and in pool is left zero % .

Witnesses of Steemit :-

Witnesses are the the one of the most important element of steemit. They produce blocks instream blockchain and these blocks are based on coding that is very difficult to understand and hence in this way it becomes very much harder for hackers to crack this codes and track anything on this platform.

The witnesses that I want to mention as voting here are those who are very popular and you have seen them while making your achievement posts and they are @steemchiller and @justyy who have designed and respectively. They are doing their task very beautifully and we should support them.

why i chosed the communities in which i am working ?

Yes I have choosed several communities in which I am currently working and I can give you the reason why choose them.

1) Writing & Reviews :

I chose it because i am a writer and it allows me to post best content and i can express my feelings here.

2) Steemit Nursery :

We learn a lot here and it support the newbies so i decided to work here.

3) Steemit Pakistan :

I decided to join it because i am a Pakistani and i wanted to be a part of it.

4) steem Geography

I am a Geography and adventures lover so i joined it.

5) Steem school :

This is school for newbies and they are supportive so i joined it.

steemit Turkye :

I joined it to participate in wonderful contests and posts.

The Steem city

It was initially made for photography hours and it still sports photography so I am in it because I love to capture beautiful images and post them on steemit.


 3 years ago (edited)

You have been verified for this task and you may proceed by compiling all your Achievement tasks, from Achievement 1 to 6 and prepare a post from it at your convenience.

Curators Rate: 2

Please continue to read and prepare from @cryptokannon Achievement tasks resources

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